Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 379 Let's come to Japan for a long time

Chapter 379 Let's come to Japan for a long time
After a few days of training, Lu Sihui has gotten used to the life of the art team. She likes the atmosphere here very much. When she is not training, she goes to learn from the old players. Including all the new players, she is the only one who is the best. Learn all the knowledge in one day.

Six days later, Fang Fang was let out of the small dark room. Her face was sallow, and the moment she saw the sun, she lay down on the ground and cried loudly.

"Fang Fang, remember, the team is about the rules. I don't care what you did before you came to the team? How old is your family background? You are a new comrade here. You must obey orders. The art team obeys orders. Commanding is a vocation, do you understand?"

Teacher Huang looked at Fang Fang, who was crying bitterly. He lost a lot of weight in a few days, his hair was messy, and his eyes no longer had the arrogance he had when he first came.

"Yes, I will be obedient in the future."

Fang Fang was frightened, quickly got up from the ground, stood up straight, and answered honestly.

"What is obedience? Obey orders."

Teacher Huang frowned. Her words were not listened to, as if she was a landlady and was bullying her.

"Yes, obey orders."

Seeing Teacher Huang frowning, Fang Fang was frightened and hurriedly answered, for fear of being locked in again.

"Go wash up, and eat in the cafeteria later."

Teacher Huang said softly, she is a little girl after all, just teach her a lesson and know that she is afraid.

Fang Fang ran to the bathroom and washed herself inside and out. She didn't change clothes for six days, and she felt that she stinks.

Dling in the bathroom and unwilling to go out, afraid of being ridiculed by comrades, especially unwilling to see Lu Sihui.

She robbed her man, and she can still live so comfortably, while she was locked in that small dark room, listening to the horrible sound, so frightened that she dared not sleep at night, only when it was quiet during the day, did she dare to catch up on sleep , Such a reversal of black and white is a kind of torture. The six days of being locked in the small black room are like years.

"We have a long time to come."

The more I thought about it, the more I hated it. In the bathroom, apart from the sound of water, there was the sound of her grinding teeth, which was more cautious than that wild cat crying at night. Those who didn't know it thought a mouse ran into the bathroom!
In the cafeteria, Lu Sihui followed the team to line up to eat. She likes working in the workplace, and another important reason is that it doesn't cost money to eat every day, and she can keep her full.

This is unimaginable in the last days. She cherishes the present day very much, not a grain of food is wasted, and she even cleans the dishes with rice.

Many of the old team members are from the city, and they can't understand her eating posture, as if she was reincarnated from starvation, and they are very close when they see rice.

When Fang Fang walked into the cafeteria carrying Fan Kui, the sharp-eyed Zhao Yuying saw her, stood up and waved to her, meaning they were here!But I didn't dare to shout, loud noises are not allowed in the cafeteria.

The speed must also be fast, the time is fixed, and you can’t finish it if you can’t finish it.

Fang Fang saw her, but pretended not to see her. She thought she was trying to laugh at herself, and followed the team to the Dafan window with a blank expression on her face.

Looking at the food inside, steamed buns, stewed vermicelli with cabbage, radish and pickled vegetables, and chicken and potatoes stewed together, this is a good meal, but there is nothing she likes.

But do not eat hungry ah!Reluctantly, he asked for a steamed bun, ordered some of the same dish, and found a corner to sit down.

"Zhao Yuying, eat honestly! He is from the city, and he dislikes us old-fashioned."

Li Mei said angrily that she came from the countryside, and Fang Fang made fun of the rural people that day, which made her heartbroken.

"This person is also, so he can't be in a group?"

Huang Yaomei sighed. Before she came to work, she wanted to be like a good sister with her comrades. She didn't expect to be a character like Fang Fang?
"Squad leader, she's staring at you!"

(End of this chapter)

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