Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 380 Steal the limelight

Chapter 380 Steal the limelight
Zhang Xiaomei was facing Fang Fang's direction, and when she saw her staring at Lu Sihui viciously while eating, she elbowed her to signal her to look over.

"Eat honestly."

Lu Sihui has now been promoted by Teacher Huang to be the class monitor, and the others are convinced, whoever makes her do better than them in everything.

Only Zhang Xiaomei and Zhao Yuying were unconvinced. Zhang Xiaomei hoped that she could be the squad leader, so that there would be more opportunities to become regulars. For this reason, she had to find opportunities to get close to Teacher Huang.

But in the end, she still didn't get the position of squad leader. She was secretly angry in her heart, but on the surface she was respectful to Lu Sihui.

But today she is just pinching and sluggish, as long as Lu Sihui and Fang Fang quarrel, it means that they are not united with comrades, and naturally they are not worthy of being the squad leader.

Unexpectedly, Lu Sihui was not fooled, and directly stabbed her, lowered her head in displeasure, and muttered softly: "There is no reward for kindness."

Lu Sihui ignored her, now it was meal time, and nothing was as important as eating.

Soon, people in the cafeteria finished eating and left. Lu Sihui was the first one in the class to finish eating. She packed up her lunch box, stood up and left.

She has to rush to the tap and line up to wash the dishes.

"Squad leader, I've finished eating too, let's go together."

Zhang Xiaomei stuffed the last mouthful of steamed buns into her mouth, and ran after Lu Sihui.

"There are still vegetables in the basin! Eat up, don't waste it."

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at her plate. There was still half of the food left in it. Seeing that she meant to throw it away, she gave her an order.

"I can't eat it."

Zhang Xiaomei looked at Lu Sihui with a bitter face, feeling that she was embarrassing herself.

"Give it to me, it happens that there is not enough food."

Huang Yaomei smiled and stood up, poured Zhang Xiaomei's leftover food into her helmet, and ate voraciously.

"Yaomei, you have to be careful, we are literary comrades, we can't perform if we are too fat, and we have to pack up and go home."

Li Mei frowned and looked at Huang Yaomei, she didn't dislike Zhang Xiaomei being dirty.

"I know, it's not that I have an empty stomach, I train every day, I don't eat enough, I can't stand it."

Huang Yaomei ate up the food in a few mouthfuls and smiled honestly.

She was able to become this literary and artistic actor, thanks to her elder brother, because he died during the rescue, and the work unit had difficulty taking care of her family, so she was allowed to be a literary and artistic team member.

Otherwise, she really wouldn't be able to pass the exam.

Fang Fang over there swallowed the food with great difficulty, and worried, what should I do if I eat this food every day?
This is the gap, Lu Sihui and the others feel that they have reached heaven, while Fang Fang, who is from a superior family, feels miserable and life is worse than death.

In the afternoon, I will go to the training hall to do physical training. After all, I am a member of the art team, so I mainly focus on this aspect.

Fang Fang was imprisoned in a small dark room when she first arrived, and she was almost recorded as a minor demerit in the file, which was a shame to her.

Fearing that her comrades would laugh at her, she stole the limelight during physical training.

Lowering her waist, her posture is the most standard, and her speed is the fastest.

This made Zhang Xiaomei and the others envious, mainly because they were doing farm work at home, and their backs were a bit hard.

Now it seems that there are only Lu Sihui, Zhao Yuying, Fang Fang, and Lu Xiaoyan, and there is no pressure to do these few movements.

But Fang Fang was the fastest and most standard, so they all ran over to ask for advice, especially Zhang Xiaomei. In order to stay in the team, she was eager to stand out and be better than others in everything she did.

"Fang Fang, tell me the technique. When I lowered my waist, it seemed like my waist was about to break."

She looked at Fang Fang with a bitter face, hoping that there could be a shortcut to let her meet the standard in one day.

Disdain flashed in Fang Fang's eyes, bumpkin, don't have that diamond, don't do porcelain work.

(End of this chapter)

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