Chapter 386
"Say it! I know it's not a good thing for you to come."

The smile on Zhou Yanhong's face stopped abruptly, and she frowned with a headache, announcing the good news first, and then the worry, Zhou Zixu was not bad.

"Auntie, it's like this, the girl who made me come out of the shadows is"

Zhou Zixu told his aunt about his liking for Lu Sihui, Zhou Yanhong looked at Zhou Zixu suspiciously, a little bit unable to believe that he might change for that cold girl.

"She is like the sun, driving away the ice in my heart, and pulling me from the shadows to the sunshine. I like her. For her, I won the first place. Just now I went to her and told her, wait for me to take the first place." Propose to her after the first place in the national competition."

What Zhou Zixu said was very serious, which forced Zhou Yanhong to face up to the matter.

"Lu Sihui is a rural girl. It's not that she has the concept of family status, but you must find someone with the right family! Can your father allow you to find a rural girl from Dashan?"

Zhou Yanhong knew her elder brother well, and was almost harsh on her little nephew. If he found a girl from a leadership-level family with average looks, her elder brother might give him a high regard.

But he chose to find a girl from the countryside, she was so beautiful, his father would definitely think that he was a worthless boy, he would only recognize appearance, not essence.

"Auntie, I don't care if he agrees or not. This is a new society. He has no right to interfere with my marriage, and neither does the leader."

Zhou Zixu committed the problem of being rebellious and rebellious again, his eyebrows raised, looking like the boss, the arrogance of his second child.

"What are you talking about? Then you are Dad."

Zhou Yanhong patted him angrily. Although the elder brother was unfair to Zixu, a son still can't say that about Lao Tzu.

Zhou Zixu frowned slightly, lowered his voice and continued to talk to his aunt.

"Auntie, there is one more thing. Lu Sihui's father is a murderer who was severely punished just now."


As soon as Zhou Zixu finished speaking, Zhou Yanhong spit out the tea just as she drank from her mouth.

"Murderer's daughter? That's not okay. Don't say your father disagrees, even I don't agree. What's wrong with you? Why don't you find an innocent girl?"

Zhou Yanhong looked like she hated iron but not steel. Although Lu Sihui was good-looking, she was cold and uncomfortable.

The murderer's daughter, in case the couple quarrels in the future, she will kill Zixu in the middle of the night, just thinking about it will send a chill down the spine.

"Her father is her father, she is her, what's the matter? She didn't kill people."

Zhou Zixu frowned. Auntie's reaction was a little too much.

"Zixu! Listen to my aunt, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she can't be eaten. You like her now, but because she is beautiful. She is different from the girls you knew before. You are competitive, but marriage is a big deal, so you can't be arrogant."

Zhou Yanhong took a deep breath, and began to persuade her nephew earnestly.

"Auntie, I know my heart very well. I love her, I love that kind very much. After finally catching up with her, I won't let go unless she doesn't like me and rejects me."

Zhou Zixu spoke very earnestly, his voice was full of affection, he was poisoned, he was poisoned by Lu Sihui, every night before going to bed, he would miss her, her character of always reporting flaws, her unsmiling expression, I miss her studious and serious attitude, and her smile that can warm all smiles.

"Let's talk about it later, don't rush to settle it."

Zhou Yanhong shook her head and looked at her nephew, seeming serious this time.

"Auntie, there is one more thing."

"and also?"

(End of this chapter)

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