Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 387 I'm not allowed to fall in love

Chapter 387 I'm not allowed to fall in love
Zhou Yanhong frowned and stared at Zixu, and sat down on the stool. How much shock would he bring to himself when one thing never ends?

"Just now when I proposed to Lu Sihui."

When Zhou Zixu left Zhou Yanhong's office, his face was solemn, and he felt that it was best for him not to come to Sihui for the time being, but he still told her worriedly.

"We're leaving. Pay attention to the people around you, especially that Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang. It's easy to hide when you're robbing, but it's hard to guard against an arrow in the dark. Be careful."

He really wanted to stay with her for a while longer, but his aunt's warning forced him to control his feelings, so he asked Lu Sihui worriedly, hoping to attract her attention.

"What's there to be afraid of?"

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at him, not to mention Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang, even if the lesbians in the dormitory attacked her together, she didn't care.

"It's useless to use fists and feet, sometimes you need to use your wits, do you understand with brain power?"

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui helplessly. He liked her wildness, but this was her weakness, which could be easily taken advantage of by others.


Lu Sihui frowned and agreed, feeling a little unhappy. Does he think she has no brains?

"Sihui, I like your straightforwardness, but if others take advantage of you, you will easily suffer. Do you understand me?"

When Zhou Zixu saw Lu Sihui's downcast face, he knew that she was upset, so he could only speak softly and explain to her patiently.

"I understand."

Lu Sihui turned her head to look at Zhou Zixu. In his eyes, she only saw concern, without disdain or ridicule. Knowing that he was doing it for her own good, she nodded in agreement.

"New comrades are not allowed to give up their partners in the first year, otherwise they will not be promoted and will be dismissed in advance, so for your own good, after winning the first place in the national martial arts competition, I will marry you a year later."

Zhou Zixu was really conflicted when he said these words. He wanted to marry her and go home right away, but he didn't want to miss Lu Sihui's bright future. Like the eagle he drew, she should be flying high in the sky. Sky.

He can't selfishly let her fall into the vulgar life of vegetables, rice, oil and salt, that's not loving her.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui thought about it seriously, nodded and agreed, she liked the propaganda team and didn't want to leave.

As for Zhou Zixu, she still doesn't know her own heart, and if she marries him too soon, she is afraid that she will regret it.

Lu Jianguo looked at Brother Zhou and then at his sister. He heard their conversation clearly, and his heart began to jump up. Brother Zhou is going to be his brother-in-law, which is great.

Zhou Zixu took Lu Jianguo away, and Lu Sihui returned to the training hall. Looking at the comrades in the same room who were doing physical training, she ran through the backs in her head, mainly because the girls were about the same height, short, fat and thin.

When the man ran, he lowered his head again, deliberately hiding his figure.

Before she heard Zhou Zixu say that new comrades can't have sex, she didn't take this matter seriously, she heard it when she heard it, what is it?
"Everyone, come here, and I will tell you about the regulations for newcomers today."

Teacher Huang walked into the training hall, holding the new gay regulations in his hand. This should have been told to everyone a long time ago. The main reason is that Fang Fang was shutting down the small black room. She deliberately waited until she came out to announce it. She thought she should listen the most.

Lu Sihui is the class monitor and is responsible for the assembly: "Everyone is there, assemble."

Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying watched her grind her teeth, and they had to let her ride on the head of the unit they came with.

But they dare not disobey, this is the unit, whoever wants to close the small black room, or wants to add a major demerit to his file, then just be disobedient.

After gathering the people, Lu Sihui walked up to Teacher Huang and saluted with her feet together.

"Report to Teacher Huang, the personnel are assembled, please give instructions."

"Okay, take a break."

"The most important thing for you to remember is that you are not allowed to fall in love in the first year of joining the team, otherwise you will be expelled."

(End of this chapter)

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