Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 388 Love House and Wu

Chapter 388 Love House and Wu
Teacher Huang read the regulations with her hands, and at the end she focused on the prohibition of dating. Some of the lesbians behind Lu Sihui had cunning eyes.

Lu Sihui could feel the unfriendly gaze from behind her, but she didn't turn her head to look. She stood in front of the team expressionlessly, listening to Teacher Huang's lecture.

Besides, Zhou Zixu led his future brother-in-law, Lu Jianguo, to the State-owned Hotel, and planned to let Jianguo try mutton steamed buns. The waiter whose eyes lit up when he saw him before, lost his nympho expression today, and came over listlessly to order. .

"Three bowls of steamed mutton, thank you for adding more mutton."

Zhou Zixu didn't smile like before, his heart settled down, and he wanted to guard Lu Sihui's heart like a jade.

No matter how beautiful the other women are, his gaze will not linger too long.

"Okay, come right away, comrade, where is the girl who came with you last time?"

Seeing that he came with a little boy who looked like a student, the waiter didn't have the pretty girl last time, so he had a little hope in his heart and asked a question tentatively.

"Are you talking about my fiancee? She's busy and didn't come."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows lightly, and directly said that Lu Sihui was his fiancee.

Thinking of the last time she told the waiter that she was his fiancee behind her back, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raised, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle.

The hope in the waiter's eyes was disillusioned, and he turned around and left. There was no hope. When the man mentioned the girl, his eyes were full of love.

Three bowls of steamed mutton were served, and Zhou Zixu offered Lu Jianguo two bowls: "Eat more, your sister will feel sorry for you if you lose weight."

Aiwujiwu, what Lu Sihui misses most is this younger brother, of course he must take good care of him.

"Brother Zhou, I'll just eat a bowl."

Lu Jianguo smelled the smell of mutton steamed buns, and he was swallowing his mouth, but he was still refusing, and Zhou Zixu laughed out of those tangled eyes.

"Hurry up and eat!"

Zhou Zixu imitated Lu Sihui's movement and reached out to rub his head. He felt that Lu Sihui's movement was not good?Like a kitten and puppy you like.

It's not as good as hooking your nose!
"Thank you brother-in-law."

Lu Jianguo smiled, picked up his chopsticks and said something that pleased Zhou Zixu.

"Okay, you are smart, you have a bright future, study hard, and my brother-in-law will take you to be a security officer in the future."

Zhou Zixu showed his neat white teeth, as if he had got a baby, and he smiled happily.

After sending Lu Jianguo back to school, Zhou Zixu returned with the first medal to announce the good news to his grandfather, but he probably already knew.

When he got home, he frowned when he saw his father's car parked at the door.

Even though he has a free and easy personality, he also longs for his father's approval when he succeeds, but his attitude really makes him sad.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the house.

"Zixu, come here, come to Grandpa."

Mr. Zhou and Zhou Baichuan sat on the sofa drinking tea. When he saw Zhou Zixu, Mr. Zhou smiled happily, while Zhou Baichuan had a cold face, turning a blind eye to him as before.

"Grandpa, Dad."

Zhou Zixu was used to it, he went over to say hello, and sat beside his grandfather, only being able to block the cold gaze from his father through his grandfather.

"Zixu, that's fine! You said you'd take the first place, so you brought it back to grandpa?"

Mr. Zhou glared at his son, and when he turned to his grandson, his eyes were proud, which seemed rare at first glance.

"It's just a fluke, stealing a woman is a trick."

Zhou Baichuan said something coldly from the side, Zhou Zixu stood up abruptly, old man Zhou hurriedly held him back, his eyes were anxious, he wanted to argue with his father
(End of this chapter)

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