Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 391 Why I Can't Get Into Your Eyes

Chapter 391 Why I Can't Get Into Your Eyes
''Dad, you fight!You are not as used to spoiling children as you are. Zixu is lawless because you are used to him. "

Zhou Baichuan also came up with a stubborn temper, he would rather let his father beat him than go and get that rebellious son back.

"What am I used to? He murdered and set fire? I'm used to being first in a competition without any assessment. I'm proud."

The old man was being dragged by his daughter, so the crutch naturally couldn't fall on his son, and he couldn't really beat him, he wanted to save face for his son.

But his mouth was not idle, and he resolutely defended his little grandson.

"Brother, I don't like to hear your words. What's wrong with Zixu? Why can't you catch your eyes?"

Zhou Yanhong also became angry after hearing this. He doesn't care about the children, and his father takes care of Zixu. If he is not polite, he has to listen to his complaints?
Besides, being able to go first in all the assessment competitions proved that Zixu is excellent, so why is he so unbearable in his eyes.

"What do you know? If this matter is not handled well, it will affect the relationship between comrades. The problem is serious. Besides, it is a corruption of thought and morality. Why are you still facing him?"

Zhou Baichuan didn't dare to yell at his father, but he was merciless with his sister, and the loud voice he practiced with his comrades was deafening to the ears.

"What do you know? I know about that girl. She has lived in our house for a few days!"

Old man Zhou took the water that Aunt Su handed over, took a sip to calm down his anger, and then felt better, and told Zhou Baichuan what he knew.

"Dad, that's Zixu fooling you. You'll believe everything he says."

Zhou Baichuan was in a dead end at this time, and the quarrel with his father was all because of him, and he was even more angry with him.

That's because he was wearing colored glasses, so he didn't believe what his father said, thinking that Zhou Zixu had lied to his father in order to be with that girl!

"Everyone in the village knows about this matter, you can go and ask, no, you have to avoid suspicion about this matter, others are more fair than you, I think it is really unfair to my grandson to let Director Huang and Deputy Chief Zhang form an investigation team to investigate, At least they can bring justice to him, you? Heh, you can only add insult to injury and kill a good man."

The old man's mouth was so dark that Zhou Baichuan almost vomited blood from his anger.

Let alone his son, it is an outsider who can do things that make people worse?He is a majestic minister, not an ancient stupid official who listens and believes.

"Yes, brother, the unit has a system, you need to avoid being a father."

Zhou Yanhong and her father were standing in the same team, and she was also afraid that her eldest brother would act emotionally. Since he was her own son, she would deal with him strictly, which would be unfair to Zixu.

"Okay, okay, I avoid it, and you are the same, you can't help that brat."

Zhou Zixu didn't know about the quarrel here because of him. He drove aimlessly on the road, and unexpectedly came to Lu Sihui's propaganda team without knowing it.

I really hope to see her right away, and my troubles will be gone when I see her.

He stopped the car, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, leaned his head back on the car seat, looked at the dark sky, his eyes were like a black swirl, as if he wanted to suck the night sky into his eyes.

Lu Sihui was lying on the couch, also looking at the night sky outside, thinking about Zhou Zixu's instructions, and what he said about getting a medal to propose to her.

The cold night doesn't feel cold anymore, she even hopes that he will get the first place soon, let her see what the first medal in the national skill assessment competition looks like?

There were three other people who couldn't sleep, all tossing and turning, including Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang who were in the lower bunk.

(End of this chapter)

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