Chapter 392

Zhou Zixu came to see Lu Sihui today, they were jealous, why isn't such a good man theirs?
The other person put his hands behind his head, looking at Lu Sihui's couch in a daze, wondering what she was thinking?
Huang Yaomei's snoring sound reached a new level, comparable to that of a man. At the end of each snoring sound, there was a sharp echo like a whistle.

Fang Fang was on her upper bunk, staring at the moonlight at the big window, not to mention, the cold wind was blowing in through the cracks of the window, and the warmth in the room was very low on an October night.

Tightening the quilt around her body, she missed the big kang at home more and more. It was so warm and comfortable. She had a puncture in her head and came here to plead guilty?
But she was unwilling to go back like this. After paying so much, she got nothing?Conceited, she would never allow herself to be defeated by a rural girl.

Lu Sihui suddenly felt upset, she couldn't fall asleep anyway, she still felt cold while lying down, she might as well get up and go for a run, she would fall asleep naturally when she was tired.

Her character is to do whatever she thinks, she sat up suddenly from the couch, Zhao Yuying, who was tossing back and forth on the lower bunk, was startled, thinking she was going to beat herself up, she pulled the quilt over her head and pretended to be asleep.

Lu Sihui ignored her, put on her clothes, and walked out.

It wasn't until she left that Zhao Yuying dared to pull the quilt off, let out a sigh of relief, and put her heart back in her stomach.

"Look what she did."

Fang Fang closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep when Lu Sihui passed by her bed. Lu Sihui, the younger and younger, was also the class monitor, so she had to listen to her, and this was where she held her breath.

Sitting up, surrounded by the quilt and looking out of the window, the upper bunk is also good, sleeping high and seeing far away, she sat on the couch, looking out of the window clearly.

Lu Sihui went out, stretched her arms twice, swayed back and forth, and began to slowly run around the playground.

After watching for a long time, she didn't see any other actions. She couldn't get around the quilt, and the wind came in. She was afraid of the cold and shivered, so she didn't look at it.

Isn't it just for performance that I don't sleep in the middle of the night and go out for a run?

Zhao Yuying also stretched her neck to watch, seeing that Lu Sihui was doing nothing but running, she felt very happy in her heart.

In her mind, Lu Sihui must have been tossing and turning back and forth so that she couldn't fall asleep, so she ran out for a night run.

As for the other person, he squinted his eyes, feeling something was wrong, and wanted to follow him out to have a look, but also felt that he would be seen by Fang Fang, so he finally closed his eyes and fell asleep honestly.

They didn't see anything, so she could see it when she went out?Isn't that scary?
Lu Sihui ran for a while, and the restlessness in her heart got better. I don't know what happened tonight?It was because she was restless, and she attributed it to Zhou Zixu's words that disturbed her mood.


Just when she was thinking of Zhou Zixu, she heard his voice in her ear, shaking her head, it must be a hallucination, how could he appear here?
Just as he was about to continue running, his hand was held by someone, and he instinctively punched him, but when he saw the handsome face illuminated by the moonlight, he stopped abruptly.

"How did you get in?"

She lowered her voice and asked him, there is a comrade guard standing guard here, and I have never heard of anyone sneaking in. Zhou Zixu has the courage to cover the sky.

"I saw you running, so I didn't trust you, so I climbed over the wall and came in."

Zhou Zixu took her to the shade of the tree, which has a concealment effect, and it is not easy for outsiders to find it.

"You go away! Teacher Huang said today that the object of the relationship will be expelled, and if someone finds out, I will be expelled."

(End of this chapter)

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