Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 505 She Likes That Atmosphere

Chapter 505 She Likes That Atmosphere

Zhou Zisong was very satisfied with Lu Sihui's reaction. She wasn't nervous or questioned, but just looked at herself warily, and didn't believe him just because he was Zixu's eldest brother.

This is also a must for security personnel, and you can't trust anyone easily, unless you are a superior leader.

"That's right, we have a difficult and dangerous task that requires a girlfriend to help you. You have the right to refuse, because you are not one of my comrades, but I hope you can think about it. I believe you should not want to spend your whole life Just singing and dancing, that's not really a security guard."

Zhou Zisong is a man of few words, but he is very good at touching people's hearts when mobilizing his thoughts.

A woman like Lu Sihui should be different from those lesbians in the propaganda team, she will never be willing to spend her life in mediocrity.

"How dangerous is it?"

Lu Sihui lowered her head and pondered for a while. She had been to the training ground of the security brigade and saw the mental state of those passionate men. She liked that atmosphere, which was much more imposing than the lesbians in the propaganda team.

She wants to be that kind of person, with strong bones and strong bones, who is not afraid of hardships and dangers.

The most important thing is that you can often see Zixu when you can go to the security brigade, and it is also a very happy thing to be able to stand side by side with him and become a comrade.

As for the danger, she is not afraid, she has the top-secret weapon of the space capsule, no one can easily hurt her.

Don't be afraid even if she is injured, the equipment in the space capsule will heal her and recover.

"It's very dangerous. I've been to two groups of people, but they all failed."

Although Zhou Zisong really hoped that Lu Sihui would go, he changed his strategy this time, and a lesbian pretended to be the wife of the protected object, and took her away from City X safely and returned to his hometown.

It's just that it's very difficult to get close to the protected object. He is a scientific researcher and even a patriot. The research results in his hands are very helpful for the development and growth of our country's prosperity and prosperity. Such talents are very sought-after, and the enemy will spare no effort The price prevented him from returning to his hometown, and he was already under control, and he would rather die than let him leave.

Lu Sihui could understand that this was indeed an extremely dangerous task, she did not choose to refuse, she nodded and agreed, but she also had requirements.

If Zhou Zisong can't agree, then she will go back and be her literary ice cream honestly.

Shui Mou looked at Zhou Zisong calmly, and made her request to him.

"I only have one request. If I succeed this time, I want to be a security guard."

Zhou Zisong was already prepared for her rejection, and was even thinking about how to persuade her to serve the country.

Unexpectedly, she agreed easily, but her request made him very embarrassed.

"The security personnel are all men. If you can come back successfully this time, I will consider letting you join my special investigation team. You will perform secret missions and receive the cruelest training. Are you willing?"

Zhou Zisong had this idea a long time ago, but mainly considering her character, it felt a bit inappropriate.

This operation was a near-death operation, and the hope of returning alive is very small, and it is very likely that he will die in a foreign country.

"I am willing, as long as I can be with Zixu."

Lu Sihui is not afraid of hardship, so what if the training is difficult?Can there still be suffering in the last days?

"Him? He's not suitable for joining the special investigation team. His personality is bad."

Zhou Zisong refused without hesitation, his younger brother was too rebellious, his team was full of elites, he was too sentimental if he had to be cold-blooded and ruthless.

Zhou Zixu was always worried about Sihui. Hearing what his elder brother said, he came directly to salute Zhou Zisong and seriously applied to him.

"Brother, look at my performance in this mission. If I show you are satisfied, can you let me join?"

(End of this chapter)

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