Chapter 506

Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother with deep eyes, and his eyebrows were frowned. To be honest, he didn't like his younger brother, but this time he insisted on participating, and his grandfather insisted that he was a talent to be made.

"Zixu, this mission is very dangerous. Eldest brother is going to take the lead in person. No one can help us when we get there. Even if we are caught, we can't identify ourselves. You should stay at home!"

"No, big brother, you have a son, you stay, Sihui and I promise to complete the task, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent."

At this moment, Zhou Zixu understood his elder brother's intentions. He wanted to protect himself, and he would bear the danger. He was very moved. At least at this moment, he felt his elder brother's love for him.

"Participate in the training first, ten days, be sure to master the essentials to ensure the completion of the task."

Zhou Zisong rolled his Adam's apple. He didn't like this kind of affection. From the day he joined the job, he handed himself over to the team.

But I still hope that my brother is safe and sound. I feel that I owe him too little love and too much indifference.

"Yes, make sure to complete the training mission."

Zhou Zixu's voice from his dantian shook the snow from the trees, and Lu Sihui also saluted, his excited eyes shining.

In her previous life, she envied her interstellar friends, but now she can finally become a person who can protect her homeland like those friends.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Sihui went to the unit in Zhou Zixu's jeep, and Zhou Zisong was waiting for them at the gate of the unit.

He is tall, with his hands behind his back, his uniform makes him look majestic and solemn, and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle.


Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu got out of the car and saluted. What was in front of them was not the elder brother, but their leader. As the iron-blooded team members, they must absolutely obey orders.

"Get in the car and follow me."

Zhou Zisong glanced at Lu Sihui, her eyes were surprisingly bright, and she saw ambition in her eyes.

My younger brother is not bad either, he lost his usual hippie smile and became serious, not inferior to himself.

He has also experienced how powerful he is. Strictly speaking, as long as he obeys the command, he is one of the best candidates.

After getting in the car, Zhou Zisong briefly introduced the task. What Lu Sihui had to learn was not only the use of weapons, passwords, code words training, but also etiquette training.

The other party is a doctor with status, and his wife has a natural temperament, she will not be as timid as a rural girl, nor will she be as cold as Lu Sihui now.

The direction the car was driving gave Lu Sihui a familiar feeling, and she looked at Zhou Zisong.

At this moment, Zhou Zisong was looking at her through the endoscope, just to see how familiar she was with this place.

"Does it look familiar?"

Zhou Zisong opened and closed his thin lips, asking out Lu Sihui's doubts.

"I think this is like the inner mountain of Kaoshantun."

Lu Sihui looked out at a large snow-covered mountain. Speaking of which, there was no difference between the snow-covered mountains.

But she has lived here for more than two months and is familiar with everything here.

"Yes, we can only drive the car to the foot of the mountain, there is a cave we can go through directly."

Zhou Zisong is satisfied with her memory. This is the back mountain, not from the back mountain, and she can recognize it at the first sight, which proves that her observation skills are extraordinary.

"Why are you here?"

Lu Sihui looked at him and asked, Zhao Jinchen was bitten by a poisonous snake because he entered the mountain, and Dr. Xing was in this mountain to experiment and develop the medicine for making plague.

As for her, she regards this place as an inexhaustible treasure, with food, drink, and ginseng that can be sold for money.

"You'll know when you go in, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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