Chapter 507 Two New Members

Zhou Zisong parked the car at the foot of the mountain, someone would come and drive the car away, so he didn't need to worry too much.

Stepping on knee-deep snow to lead the way, Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui followed behind.

"Sihui, you walk behind me and step on the footprints I have stepped on. It will be easier to walk this way."

Zhou Zixu instructed Lu Sihui with concern, Zhou Zisong could hear clearly from the front, but he didn't look back, and walked with great strides, as if the knee-deep snow would not hinder him in any way.

After walking a long way, after entering the mountain, Zhou Zisong stopped, looked around, and then took his younger brother and Lu Sihui into a hidden cave.

The entrance of this cave is covered with dead trees, and it is covered with snow. If you don't look carefully, you can't find that it is a cave.

Even if ordinary people find the cave, they dare not go in easily. After all, there are black and blind people in the mountain. These things usually live in the cave. They hibernate in winter. If they are awakened, it will be very cruel.

The hunters didn't dare to provoke them easily, besides, the hunters at this time could also set up a trick or set a trap, and no one had any hunting in their hands.

After entering the cave, Lu Sihui felt very gloomy and cold. It was pitch black in front of her, and the cave got smaller and smaller as she walked. Zhou Zisong had already taken out a flashlight to light up the front.

"Brother, when did this come out?"

Zhou Zixu came here for the first time, and his eldest brother never mentioned it, so he couldn't help asking.

"This cave is still the passage opened by Dr. Xing at that time. He entered the inner mountain from the back mountain, and went out through this passage to meet people, without anyone noticing."

Zhou Zisong explained in a cold voice.

If Dr. Xing didn't explain it, they still can't find it here, it's too hidden.

There is also a curse in Neishan, and ordinary people dare not enter the mountain. Dr. Xing lives in a cowshed alone, which creates convenient conditions for him.

"This old boy is quite capable."

Zhou Zixu sneered, the bad guys are not all incompetent, they are good at hiding among the common people.

"Yes, now I use the waste here to create a special team and go to the inner mountain for potential training. No one will know."

Zhou Zisong did not hide anything, and led them through the cave while talking.

After leaving the dark cave, Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu suddenly felt enlightened.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and he suddenly walked out of the darkness, covering his eyes with the back of his hand uncomfortably.

"Look at them."

Zhou Zisong raised his hand and pointed to the special trainers who persisted in training in the snow.

"Jinchen? Is your kid here?"

When Zhou Zixu glanced over, he found his good friend Zhao Jinchen, who was lying on the snow with his comrades, practicing ambush.

Standing on the icy snow for a while would make you shiver from the cold, but these teammates lay motionless in the snow, and only took a look at Zhou Zisong when he walked out of the cave.

Feeling the threat from behind, Lu Sihui turned her head suddenly, and saw two teammates in white cloaks, comparing them with guns.

"It's not bad, the vigilance is very good, everyone get up! Introduce two new members, No. [-] and No. [-]."

Zhou Zisong glanced around with cold eyes, admiring their vigilance.

The introduction of Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu turned out not to be names, but numbers.


Zhao Jinchen didn't show any excitement because Zhou Zixu called him, nor did he show any surprise when he saw Lu Sihui coming here.

Shouted two words together with several other friends, the ear-shattering voice startled the birds in the forest.

"Starting today, you will receive inhuman training. There is no distinction between men and women here, and there is no special care. Can numbers [-] and [-] do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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