Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 508 Is a Perfect Match with Big Brother

Chapter 508 Is a Perfect Match with Big Brother
"Report, sure."

Zhou Zixu replied with a salute, he felt his whole blood was boiling at the moment, it was such an honor to be the elite among the elites.

Lu Sihui took a glance and saw a woman with a serious face and fixed eyes.

Completely different from the literary team members, her aura is no different from other gay men.

They are all cold, fierce, with sword-like eyes.

"Number One, you are responsible for getting Number Eight into the role as soon as possible."

Zhou Zisong looked at the lesbian. He really couldn't do it at first, and he had considered her, but she was too much like a man of iron and blood, without a little bit of femininity and simplicity.

The person on the other side can recognize it at a glance.


The lesbian replied with a salute, looking at Zhou Zisong with admiration.

"You stay here for five days of training, and I will pick up No. [-] after five days."

Zhou Zisong looked at Lu Sihui, hoping that she would not disappoint him.

So Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui stayed in the mountains, lived in a cave, and trained in the ice and snow.

Lu Sihui needs to learn a lot, such as killing enemies quickly at close quarters, and the use of weapons. She must be able to disassemble and assemble them within the specified time.

To learn how to use gunpowder and darts, besides killing the enemy quickly at close range, other training content is very new to Lu Sihui, and she is as excited as if she has been pumped every day.

She studied very seriously, and Zhao Jinchen's behavior towards her can be described as shock.

How could a stupid fat girl become an excellent security elite one day?
As for Zhou Zixu, he is mainly trained as a fighter, and his task is to discover and eliminate hidden enemies.

This requires sufficient eyesight and endurance, and the reaction must be quick and fast, which is more difficult to say.

But it is difficult for others, but for Zhou Zixu, it is simply pediatrics.

"No. [-], let's compare to see who is better at business."

Zhou Zixu came to Lu Sihui to practice alone during his spare time in training. He knew that he would sweat more at this time to ensure that he would not bleed during missions.

"it is good."

The two of them no longer call each other by their names, only their code names.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu with confidence, she didn't think she would lose to him.

During the first training, she was really slow, and that was to remember the exact position of each part.

"Number One, mark the time for both of us."

Zhou Zixu yelled at the cold No. [-], she can sit there without saying a word for a day, and become one with the snow mountain, she is a perfect match with the eldest brother.

Strictly speaking, she is quite good-looking, with big almond eyes, a full moon face, and a very fair complexion. She can be regarded as the most beautiful woman among lesbians.

Generally, pretty lesbians would choose to be part of the art team. Who would come to suffer in this mountain?

"it is good."

No. [-] took out his watch with a cold face, shouted, and looked at Lu Sihui critically.

She didn't like this soft-looking girl. She could shine as a member of the art team, but it was a joke to be a member of the special team.

But after two days of special training, she found that this girl was no less ruthless than herself.

Especially when she was practicing close combat and quickly defeating the enemy, the ferocity she displayed gave people the feeling that she had killed someone before.

There was a bloodthirsty look in her eyes, and the movements of her hands were fast and ruthless. The first time they faced each other, she almost hurt Zhao Jinchen who taught her.

The dagger stopped an inch from his throat.

Zhao Jinchen looked at Lu Sihui inquisitively from the side, she learned things so fast, she looked like a seasoned old player.

Thinking of Dr. Xing's matter, she frequently appeared in Neishan again, which made him uneasy. Isn't it too bold for the leader to use her?

(End of this chapter)

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