Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 509 There is a situation

Chapter 509 There is a situation

The competition started, and Zhou Zixu concentrated on displaying his skills. He couldn't lose to Sihui, and he couldn't let her feel that he wasn't strong enough.

Lu Sihui's hands are very small, holding an old-fashioned game gun, it looks even smaller.

But her little hands are surprisingly fast, and when she actually does things, her serious expression is no less than number one.

In the cave, only the sound of loading and unloading weapons was heard. The parts were all placed on the ground, and the two squatted on the ground to quickly assemble them again.

"Good, not bad."

When Zhou Zixu loaded the weapon and turned the pulley around, No. [-] turned off the stopwatch and looked at him in admiration.

Lu Sihui was still not as fast as Zhou Zixu, but she couldn't be slower for a few seconds. After pretending to grab her hand, she looked at Zhou Zixu and smiled.

"Sihui, that's great."

Zhou Zixu went over and gave her a thumbs up, Lu Sihui shook his head and gave him a blank look.

"Oh, Number Eight, you are amazing."

Only then did Zhou Zixu realize that he had called her name, but he did not expect that Lu Sihui was much stricter than him in terms of discipline.

When sleeping, Lu Sihui and No. [-] slept in a cave, only lighting a bonfire, unable to withstand the cold attack.

Number one was only covered with a thin quilt, she could tell that she was cold, but she gritted her teeth and persisted.

Lu Sihui didn't get extra care either, as Zhou Zisong said, there is no distinction between men and women here.

To exercise one's perseverance is to let her bear the torture that others cannot bear.

She knows now that unlike Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying, she admires No. [-].

It's just that both of them are not talkative people, especially number one is unwilling to say a word when they are not training.

They rely on themselves to feed themselves, and no food will be sent in from outside the mountain.

Hunting is not only the task of men, but also women.

You can't use the forbidden to grab it, not only to learn how to lay traps, but also to use throwing knives.

As a special team member, everyone has a special dagger with a triangular blade. When it is pierced into an animal's body, it will drain their blood and lose their ability to resist.

Every time you go out, there can only be two people, and the others must stay in place and be vigilant. This is also to train people's ability to survive in extremely difficult and difficult environments.

Zhou Zixu strongly demanded to be with Sihui, but he didn't trust her to go hunting by herself.

Although it's not the first time she's done it, the beasts of winter are far more ferocious than summer.

To be able to go out to look for food in the severe cold is to be very hungry and more ferocious.

What you are most afraid of encountering are wolves, and that is what makes you realize what despair is.

Then there is the black blind man, who can slap people away with a slap, and lick half of his face with his tongue, and he will be gone.

"Sihui, you rest, I'll go find the prey."

At this moment, all Zhou Zixu thought about was protecting Sihui's safety.

"It's number eight."

Lu Sihui glared at him, she didn't need his protection, she wanted to stand side by side with him.

"You know? This training is nothing to me?"

Zhou Zixu smiled and bragged to Sihui, his face was red and swollen from the cold, but he only wanted to cover Sihui's face with his hands, and didn't want her to freeze to death.


Lu Sihui looked at him and smiled, and stretched out her hand to help him cover his face. She was so cold that her heart ached.

"You know you care about me?"

Zhou Zixu asked her with a smirk, feeling that if he could get along like this day and night, he didn't care even if it was hard training.

Lu Sihui didn't smile, her sense of danger made her feel something was wrong.

She put down her hands and listened carefully. In order to hear clearly, she took off her cotton hat, made a silent movement to Zhou Zixu, and told him in a low voice.

"No. [-], there is a situation."

(End of this chapter)

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