Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 510 Good Opportunity, Don't Miss It

Chapter 510 Good Opportunity, Don't Miss It

Zhou Zixu also looked around vigilantly, holding the electric baton around his waist in his hand, and if there was an emergency, he would turn on the switch, and the team members over there would rush over to support when they heard the sound.


The snow made a trampling sound, which was very messy, different from the sound of human walking, and it sounded like it was getting closer.

"Watch out."

Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui were back to back, he whispered to her, but saw that she had already held the dagger in her hand, her eyes were shining, and she was staring at a position not far ahead.

"It's a wolf."

Lu Sihui saw black and gray figures approaching herself and Zhou Zixu. Wolves lived in packs. When they came out to look for food, there was never more than one walking, at least five or six, maybe more.

"Sihui, you go first."

Zhou Zixu also saw clearly that the wolf had regarded him and Sihui as prey, and now surrounded them.

I roughly counted, at least five.

For is there any wolf that hides somewhere?He was waiting for an opportunity, this kind of animal was ferocious and cunning, he was worried about Sihui's safety, and asked her to leave first.

"No, let's go together, just for training."

Lu Sihui was surprisingly calm, staring sharply at the wild wolves that quietly surrounded her and Zixu.

I couldn't restrain the excitement in my heart. This is a rare opportunity. Fighting with wild wolves is more exciting than fighting with zombies.

"Sihui, why do I think you are happy?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at Sihui. Usually little girls would turn pale with fright when they saw so many wild wolves.

"Wolf meat is not tasty, why are you so excited?"

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui amusedly, seeing the wolves trying to approach, he also took out his dagger, since Sihui wanted to play with these wolves, he would accompany her.

If necessary, we will start to rob again, and comrades will come to support at the first time.

"Great opportunity, don't miss it, let's see who kills more, okay?"

Lu Sihui chuckled, glanced back at Zhou Zixu, clenched the dagger in her hand, and looked sharply at the wolves.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu's pride was aroused by Lu Sihui, he raised the corner of his mouth, and hooked his fingers provocatively at those wild wolves.

Those wolves are all trapped.

[Fuck?What's the situation with these two people?With so many of our brothers coming out, can't we scare them? 】

The wolves approached cautiously. This kind of animal is the most sensitive to danger. These two people have a murderous look on them, and they are a little scared.

The head wolf raised his head and let out a long howl, which was an attack howl, and the four wolves rushed towards the two of them.

The alpha wolf looked at them haughtily from the sidelines, disdainful to join in the hunt.

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu faced back to back, and launched a fierce attack on the rushing wild wolf.

"Pierce their necks."

While fighting the two wild wolves, Lu Sihui told Zhou Zixu that she always keep his back to back to prevent the wolf from behind.

Her movements were fast and ruthless, the dagger gleamed coldly in the sun, and stabbed towards the wolf's neck.

Wild wolves have been hunting for a long time, moving swiftly and dodging and jumping very fast. The more Lu Sihui fights, the happier she is, as if she has returned to her previous life of fighting zombies.

There was a bloodthirsty cold light in his eyes, and the movements of his hands became faster and faster.

While Zhou Zixu wanted to fight the wolf, he also had to worry about Lu Sihui's safety, which was very distracting.

"Leave me alone, I can take care of myself, we are competing!"

Lu Sihui yelled at him, and quickly struck out with the dagger in her hand, directly stabbing into the neck of a wild wolf, pulling out the dagger, blood gushed out wildly, and the wolf fell to the ground with a howl.

"Sihui is so good, I'll have one too."

(End of this chapter)

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