Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 511 She Always Surprises Him

Chapter 511 She Always Surprises Him

Seeing Sihui kill a wild wolf, Zhou Zixu's spirit was shaken, and he showed the strength of not admitting defeat, and quickly shot, and also solved a wild wolf.

The alpha wolf began to howl, his voice sounded like weeping.

"Sihui, quickly solve Zhandou, it is calling the wolves!"

Zhou Zixu turned pale with fright, only a few wolves could be dealt with by himself and Sihui, but if the whole pack came over, their strength would definitely not be able to compete.

"It's easy."

Lu Sihui pulled out the electric baton from her waist, quickly turned her head to avoid the attack of the wild wolf, and raised her hand at the head wolf with a stick.

The howling wolf was hit by the electric baton and lay on the ground trembling. His green wolf eyes were fixed on Lu Sihui, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, as if he was unwilling to die like this.

"It just doesn't count."

Lu Sihui said something to Zhou Zixu, and once again pounced on the wild wolf that wanted to escape.

The rule of the competition is to kill wolves with daggers, and those killed with electric batons cannot be counted.

The two remaining wild wolves were frightened. The two prey were so strong that their heads were killed.

After moving the heart to run, he stopped inadvertently, turned around and ran towards the snow-capped mountains.


Lu Sihui became competitive, grabbed the branches, and jumped in the falling snow. Zhou Zixu was stunned for a moment. Sihui's hand was beyond his expectation. It was so beautiful and dexterous, and it was better than monkey Faster.

He quickly raised his hand, stabbed the dagger in his hand, and shot towards the wild wolf as fast as an arrow.

Lu Sihui flew down from the tree, and the dagger in her hand pierced the neck of the running wild wolf.

The two wolves screamed, and they all fell to the ground and convulsed.

Lu Sihui turned her head to look at Zhou Zixu, her eyes flashed with admiration.

"Zixu, you are awesome."

She gave up with a thumbs up.

"Sihui, your hand just now is like a fairy flying in the air, it's so beautiful."

Zhou Zixu went over and pulled out his own dagger, wiped off the blood on the wolf, and looked back at Lu Sihui with admiration and admiration, she always amazed him.

"Zixu, your throwing knife just now is also amazing."

Lu Sihui stepped on the snow and walked back to Zhou Zixu's side. The two of them were surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness. Their green uniforms looked so dazzling.

The corpses of wolves were lying here and there on the ground, but the two turned a blind eye and hugged each other.

"You said this wolf meat is not tasty?"

Lu Sihui looked up at Zhou Zixu, but she was secretly proud in her heart.

When others came out, they brought back wild rabbits, or pheasants, and the best thing was a roe deer. The two of them killed five wolves. Could it be considered a unique prey?
"Yes, the shredded pork is tough and hard to eat."

Zhou Zixu looked down at the woman in the snow. Her face was flushed red from the cold, shining brightly from the sun, and she seemed to be challenging him with each breath.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he answered her question while cleaning the snowflakes off his body.

With a smile in her eyes, Lu Sihui pushed Zhou Zixu away, turned around and ran towards the depths of the woods.

Wolves don't taste good, so go catch wild boars!

"Don't run, the depths of the woods are dangerous."

Zhou Zixu chased after him. The formerly verdant forest was now covered with a layer of silver. His shout shook off the snow on the branches.

Flying snowflakes fell into his eyes, and he raised his hand to wipe the snowflakes away, but he also lost Sihui's figure.

"Sihui, where are you?"

He shouted eagerly into the woods, there were her footprints on the ground, and he chased after her.

At this time, Lu Sihui was ordering the robot in the space capsule to help her find the hiding place of the wild boar. Just after issuing the order, there were footsteps behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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