Chapter 513
Wild boars have attacking tusks in their mouths, and the way to attack is to lower their heads and use their tusks to hit the opponent.

Lu Sihui took advantage of its habit. When it rushed over, she leaped and grabbed the tree trunk, flew towards the wild boar, and stabbed the dagger in its neck fiercely.

Jun's dagger was extremely sharp, even though the wild boar's skin was thick and hard enough, but it still couldn't resist the dagger, and the wild boar, which was stuck in the neck by the dagger, let out a scream and attacked Lu Sihui even more frantically.

Lu Sihui grabbed the branch again and leaped. The wild boar had a strong temper and wanted to kill Lu Sihui, so he chased after her all the way.

Lu Sihui leaped unhurriedly among the branches, she had enough patience to kill the wild boar.

Its blood is abundant, and if it runs so fiercely, the blood will flow even faster, and it won't last long at all.

Zhao Jinchen and Zhou Zixu rushed into the woods when they heard the cry of the wild boar, and this was what they saw.

Lu Sihui teased the wild boar on the ground like a monkey. She leaped among the trees, and the wild boar was chasing after her bleeding all the way.

There was a trail of bright red blood on the snow, and the speed of the wild boar became slower and slower, and finally lost its strength and lay on the ground.

The hot air from the nose is its dying struggle.

Those small eyes stared at Lu Sihui firmly, they would not rest in peace.

Lu Sihui jumped off the branch with a light leap, walked indifferently to the wild boar, pulled out the dagger from its neck, rubbed it on the wild boar's face, wiped it clean before putting it back into the scabbard.

No. [-] was shocked. Was that woman with bloodthirsty eyes just now No. [-]?
At this time, she was full of murderous aura, she no longer looked delicate and weak, and her cold eyes were full of cautious coldness.

Zhao Jinchen was the most shocked. With such skills, could he be bullied by the Sun family?Can I be bullied by my stepmother?
He doubted her identity again. If she is a bad person, it will be a major hidden danger to the team.

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui proudly, this is his woman, she is a hero among women, this is the first time he has seen this kind of hunting method.

It is estimated that even an old hunter will admire him when he sees it.

"Number Eight, that's awesome."

When there were outsiders around, Zhou Zixu also learned to call her by her code name. Lu Sihui smiled at him with pride in her eyes.

Her smile could melt ice and snow, Zhao Jinchen was stunned, she always had an expression of disgust towards him.

She has never smiled at him since we met. It turns out that she smiles so beautifully, with jumping dimples on her cheeks. Her smile has the effect of melting the ice and snow around her, making people unable to help being attracted.

But her smile was only on Zixu, and the eyes of the two intertwined in the air, looking at each other, and their smiles were equally bright.

They gave him the feeling that there were only the two of them in this world, and neither he nor No. [-] existed.

"Number two, we are men, let's carry the wild boar back together! It is estimated that the brothers don't need to go hunting these days."

Zhou Zixu raised his chin arrogantly, as if he was the one who killed the wild boar.

Greeting Zhao Jinchen to join hands with him, taking advantage of the opportunity of walking in front, he made a move towards Lu Sihui, Lu Sihui smiled and looked away.

He is happy, and she is also happy. It can make him feel proud of himself, and he is very happy.

Zhao Jinchen's face was dark, and he followed Zhou Zixu silently. The way Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu was completely different from seeing them, it was full of love.

Suddenly, I felt a little jealous of Zhou Zixu, isn't his popularity with women too good?
(End of this chapter)

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