Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 514 You Are Too Emotional

Chapter 514 You Are Too Emotional
It is still a bit difficult for two strong men to lift a wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms.

Zhou Zixu called Zhao Jinchen to stop, took out the rope he was carrying and tied the wild boar's four feet.

"Go find a thick branch, and we can carry it on our shoulders, so we can save some effort."

He ordered Zhao Jinchen, who was frowning at the side, to carry the wild boar back by its limbs. The two of them would be exhausted, and they had to walk sideways like crabs.

"it is good."

Zhao Jinchen felt that his idea was good, and turned around and walked into the woods. There were not many branches on the ground, but it was not difficult to find a branch as thick as an arm.

Soon he came out of the woods, and Zhou Zixu carried the wild boar back.

No. [-] has not spoken, just glanced at Lu Sihui from time to time, his gaze changed from disdain when he first saw her to admiration now.

A woman can kill wild boars, she is No.1.

If it were me, even if I used robbing, I might not be able to escape completely.

The crazy wild boar is terrifying, and its attack speed is amazing, which proves that No. [-]'s ability is higher than hers.

"How do you know there are wild boars over there?"

Zhao Jinchen began to ask questions, with undisguised suspicion in his voice.

"Because I used to come to the inner mountains to hunt, number two, you know this better than anyone else."

Lu Sihui looked at his back sarcastically, and began to doubt herself again?

He forgot who saved his life, and she didn't have a good impression of the Zhao family.

The village head is considered a good person, but he still has selfish intentions, otherwise he wouldn't have been taken down.

As for this Zhao Jinchen, he is always suspicious and annoying.

That Zhao Yuying was even more annoying, like a fly staring at the meat, it was so annoying that she was finally driven away.

It is estimated that those medicines caused her a lot of harm, enough for her to enjoy it for a few days, and suddenly wanted to know how she was doing after returning home.

Zhao Jinchen's expression changed several times after being robbed by Lu Sihui, and he could naturally hear the sarcasm in her words.

"Number two, no, can you fix your problem?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and stared back at him, suspicious at every turn, is it interesting?

"Suspicion is fundamental to being a secret agent."

"Come on!"

Zhao Jinchen wanted to say that he was right to doubt Lu Sihui. As an iron-blooded man and a special agent who specializes in catching sword butterflies, he can naturally suspect anyone who has doubts. Lu Sihui belongs to this category.

She was too cowardly before, which formed a huge contrast with her now. It is impossible for a person's personality to change so much?

Zhou Zixu interrupted him directly, the tone was similar to that of his elder brother.

In fact, he wanted to say that there is no doubt about employing people, and there is no need for doubting people. Why do you ask Sihui to do such a dangerous task?
How good are people singing and dancing in the publicity team?
"Ah! Such a big wild boar, number nine, you are amazing!"

While talking, he returned to Yingdi, and several other station friends gathered around, looking at Zhou Zixu adoringly.

He surprised everyone when he first arrived, and he didn't have to worry about running out of food in the next few days.

"This credit is not mine, it is No. [-]'s. If you want to thank her, thank her."

Zhou Zixu bared his teeth and smiled, looking at Lu Sihui behind him.

The shoulder from carrying the wild boar hurt a little, so he covered it with his hands and moved around.

Seeing his movements, Lu Sihui walked over directly regardless of the other friends around her, and stretched out her little hand to pinch Zhou Zixu.

"I'll pinch you."

The other friends looked at them in astonishment, they were so enviable, Zhou Zixu is treated like the emperor!
"My shoulder hurts too."

Number five is a joker, he leaned his shoulders over and teased Lu Sihui with a smile.

"Pinch it yourself."

Lu Sihui took a step back with a cold face, the smile on No. [-]'s face disappeared, and she looked at Zhou Zixu with a bitter face.

(End of this chapter)

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