Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 518 You Must Live Chapter 1

Chapter 518 You Must Come Back Alive
In the small black room, Zhou Zixu cursed loudly, like a trapped animal.

After being knocked unconscious by an anesthetic needle in the cave, he was locked in a confinement room when he woke up, and he couldn't get out even if he wanted to.

The worry about Sihui in my heart is like cooking in a frying pan, and I can only attract people by scolding Zhou Zisong.

The guard comrades wanted to cover their ears. They were as cold as icebergs. If they heard his brother scold him like that, would they vomit blood angrily?

Also, is Zhou Zixu too good at scolding?His voice is not hoarse?
It's been two days, and he kept scolding, so that he couldn't listen, and forced to pour those words into his ears if he didn't listen.

"Zixu, do you still look like an iron-blooded man?"

When Zhou Zisong got the report, he really felt that his younger brother was too mischievous, so he came to teach him a lesson.

"You look like an iron-blooded man? If you are an iron-blooded man, you fight me for real. If you knock me down, it's your job. You're not worthy of being an iron-blooded man! Also, hurry up and put me down!" Return Sihui to me, and you can find whoever you want for your plan, don't look for Sihui."

When Zhou Zixu saw Zhou Zisong coming, his eyes were red, and he scolded him through gritted teeth, not saving him any face.

Comrade guard looked at Zhou Zisong with a sad face, can he listen here?

Is the leader of the week crazy?Why are you scolding everything?

Zhou Zisong waved to him, and the guard turned around and ran away as if he had received an amnesty.

He ran to the bathroom and took a thorough shower, especially his ears, which had been deafened for the past two days.

"Zixu, do you still remember our declaration of joining the team? The national interest is above all else, remember?"

Looking at his furious younger brother, Zhou Zisong endured his insults for a long time before opening his mouth slowly.

"Don't talk to me about the truth. You asked me to go on a mission in the secret service team. I bleed and sweat, or sacrificed. If I blink, I don't deserve to be an iron-blooded man, but women don't belong to the team. How can you tell me?" Why let Sihui work and kill her at the same time?"

Zhou Zixu's eyeballs were almost popping out, blood red and frightening. He hasn't slept since he woke up.

"Zixu, Jin Chen's suspicions are not unreasonable. We are bystanders, and you are fans of the parties. Don't worry! This time the eldest brother will go there in person, and I will protect Lu Sihui. It's the same sentence. If it's our comrades, unless a man They are all dead, otherwise the woman will definitely be protected to the end."

It was the first time that Zhou Zisong persuaded his younger brother with such earnestness and sincerity. He understood his love for Lu Sihui, and it was for his own good.

If Sihui is really a bad person, letting her marry into the Zhou family would be an irreparable mistake.

"Shit, I didn't protect myself, I don't trust anyone."

Zhou Zixu's tone was obviously not as excited as before, and his voice was much lower.

"Brother uses his life to assure you that if Sihui is one of us, I will definitely die before her. Are you satisfied?"

Zhou Zisong stared at his stubborn younger brother with fixed eyebrows. Logically, he didn't need to explain to him, but yelling like this would really have a bad effect.

"Brother, let me out, and I will protect her myself."

Zhou Zixu made this request again, Zhou Zisong looked at him coldly, then turned and left suddenly, leaving him with an indifferent back.

"Zhou Zisong, please listen to me. If Sihui dies, I will never forgive you in this life. I will be your worst enemy."

Seeing that the eldest brother ignored him and left, Zhou Zixu roared behind him, Zhou Zisong paused, and left without stopping.

Zhou Zixu punched the wall, blood spurting out: "Sihui, you must come back alive."

(End of this chapter)

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