Chapter 519
After ten days of intensive training, Lu Sihui and a few friends embarked on a ship to X City.

Today, she is wearing a pink woolen coat, a long skirt, half high heels, and a top hat with black gauze covering half of her face. She looks like an overseas Chinese returning from overseas.

The beauty of her has attracted the attention of many people, but she just leans on the railing and looks from a distance, her eyebrows are slightly furrowed, and she misses Zhou Zixu through the water and sky.

Since he left without saying goodbye, she has been thinking about his safety, and this is the first time she has this feeling of concern.

She was afraid that the mission he was performing was too dangerous, that he would be injured,
Zhou Zisong was wearing a dark woolen coat, a gray suit inside the coat, and shiny black three-jointed leather shoes. He lit a cigarette not far from Lu Sihui, and scanned the passengers on the ship vigilantly with his deep eyes.

They all have their own positions. Zhao Jinchen and No. [-] pretend to be a loving couple, while No. [-] looks like a well-educated teacher, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses to hide his elite gaze.

The ship blew its whistle, and the humming sound indicated that it was about to dock. There were comrades coming here to meet them, and they only needed to pay attention to the other party's signal.

Lu Sihui stepped off the ship with a newspaper in her hand. The location revealed in the newspaper was a missing person notice. The general content was to find a missing woman named Li Bixian, and her family was very anxious.

"Hello, can I borrow this newspaper?"

When she arrived in X City, Lu Sihui could only rely on herself. She glanced at the person who came to ask for the newspaper. He was a man wearing a gray suit with vertical stripes and glasses with gold rims. It looks a bit oily and powdery.

"I haven't finished it yet."

Lu Sihui spoke lightly, and the other party said with a smile, "Is that so, I seem to have seen this woman named Li Bixian before?"

"Oh? Then let me show you! The family is in a hurry when someone is lost."

Lu Sihui smiled slightly and sent the newspaper in her hand, and walked past the man on high heels.

When she left, she had a white note in her hand. She walked on the street calmly. The strange city looked very prosperous, there were quite a lot of people, and her clothes were different from those in the mainland.

She walked outside a coffee shop and looked up at the plaque, Mary Coffee House, this is it.

Pushing open the door and walking in, the waiter wearing a black vest and white shirt saw the guests coming and rushed over to entertain them.

"Hello miss, how many people?"

"One person, thank you."

Lu Sihui glanced around, and found that Zhou Zisong was already sitting in a corner of the coffee shop, drinking coffee slowly with a newspaper.

She calmly came to the seat next to Zhou Zisong and ordered a cup of coffee with sugar and milk.

Putting her hand on the hem of the skirt, she opened the small white note, glanced at the words on it, and slowly clenched it tightly.

The time to drink coffee was very short, she beckoned the waiter to pay, got up and left.

When passing by Zhou Zisong's desk, the note bounced onto his lap without anyone noticing.

The doorbell rang, and a pair of blond foreigners walked in, talking and laughing, looking like a couple.

When he saw Lu Sihui, the foreign man's eyes flashed with amazement, and Lu Sihui proudly raised his chin and walked past him.

When she went out, she saw that the sun was a little bit bright, so she opened the small umbrella, this time with a purpose, and walked straight to the Margaret Hotel.

There, her husband was waiting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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