Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 520 Entering the Role So Quickly

Chapter 520 Entering the Role So Quickly
People came and went on the street, young men and women, paid attention to the beautiful Lu Sihui frequently, mainly because she was too beautiful, with a noble and glamorous temperament.

Lu Sihui, on the other hand, showed a bit of arrogance, disdainful of these people, and walked towards the Margaret Hotel with graceful and calm steps.

Under the umbrella, the eyes seem to be unintentional, but they can clearly see the situation around them.

There were quite a few people paying attention to her, but there were only a few people with vigilant eyes, hiding in the dark, and she drew a map in her heart to record their positions.

When passing by No. [-], she made code words with gestures and told her the results of her observations.

Walking into the Margaret Hotel, the waiter naturally came up to ask if he wanted to stay or find someone.

"I'm looking for Professor Li Musen Li."

Lu Sihui glanced at the other party, opened the red 1.chun lightly, and casually spoke Chinese with a foreign accent.

"He's on the third floor, room 303."

The waiter looked at her inquiringly, and told her Professor Li's room number.

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui nodded her thanks, looked at the stairs next to her, and then at the elevator where many people were rushing in.

Calmly walked to the elevator and squeezed in with the crowd. She looked at it and saw that the three characters were on, so she didn't move.

There are quite a few people in the elevator, and they are all dressed in high-end fashion. The men basically wear suits and leather shoes, and the women mostly wear coats and skirts.

During the period, there were still a few foreigners, but she just glanced over them. Lu Sihui had already seen everyone's expressions clearly, lowered her eyelids, and paid attention to the few people who were in danger.

When they got to the third floor, it was exactly as she thought. The people she suspected all got off the elevator on the third floor.

When they saw that she was also getting off the elevator on the third floor, these people looked at her a few more times and stared at her until they reached the door of Room 303. Their expressions became visibly nervous.


"Darling, it's me."

After knocking lightly on the door three times, Lu Sihui yelled sweetly into the door.


The door opened, and there was a man in a plaid vest and white shirt standing in the room. He was wearing myopia glasses and looked at Lu Sihui vigilantly.

"Darling, I finally found you."

Lu Sihui pushed people into the room while talking, looking like a anxious wife who wanted to make out with her husband.

Those people looked at each other, quickly approached room 303, and began to monitor.

"Darling, I miss you so much."

The woman's sweet voice, and the heavy sound of the sofa.

These people looked at each other, and a flash of understanding flashed in the eyes of the men, and they smiled maliciously.

In room 303, Lu Sihui covered Professor Li's mouth and pressed him on the sofa. The other party looked at him in horror.

"I'm here to take you back to China, now please cooperate with me and call your wife's name."

Lu Sihui whispered orders in his ear, Professor Li nodded when she understood, and then she let him go.

"Bixian, I thought I'd never see you again."

Professor Li shouted affectionately, and Lu Sihui couldn't help but shiver, this professor entered the role so quickly.

"Darling, I miss you so much, who told me to go the wrong way, if I don't see the missing person revelation, I still can't find you!"

While acting with him, Lu Sihui began to check the room for possible hidden 1. listening devices.

Professor Li looked at her excitedly, he was really anxious, he was worried every day, hoped day and night, and really hoped to return to the embrace of the motherland immediately.

Soon Lu Sihui found the listening device installed by the enemy. Instead of messing around, she went into the bathroom and gave orders to the robot in the space capsule to interfere with the other party's monitoring.

After finding the location where the enemy is lurking, she must take Professor Li away as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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