Chapter 521
After the interference was turned on, she used the space capsule robot to find the location of the enemy's lurking attack, mainly those with guys, and she was not afraid of those without guys.

If you want to take Professor Li away, you must first make him up so that the enemy still thinks they are in the room.

Leaving the inner room, she opened the window of the room and looked at the opposite roof, where the observers were lurking. She had just seen clearly through the screen that it was Zhao Jinchen and No. [-].

The flower seller downstairs was theirs. Zhou Zisong was smoking a cigarette and sitting on a small bench polishing shoes. She made gestures and coded words, told him the location of the lurker, and asked to take Professor Li away immediately.

Zhou Zisong could see that Zhao Jinchen and No. [-] also saw her hand gesture, found the location she was pointing at, and indeed saw someone ambushing.

It's just that they were surprised, how did Lu Sihui find so many lurking enemies in such a short time just after opening the window?

Lu Sihui closed the window, drew the curtains, and whispered to Professor Li: "I'm going to do a simple make-up for you right now."

Professor Li nodded nervously, without saying a word, but looked at Lu Sihui with suspicion. Can such a delicate girl have the ability to take her away?
There were people who wanted to take him away before, but they failed every time. The current situation is that both parties want to take him away, but they both restrain each other.

"That's right. I'll make you look like an old man, and I'll dress up as your son. When we go downstairs, there will naturally be comrades to meet us."

Lu Sihui took out something and explained to him.

He took out a headgear and put it on for him, disguised his eyebrows and beard, and changed his clothes into Tang suits worn by old people. Looking at Professor Li in the mirror, he changed from an intellectual to an old man.

It was faster for Lu Sihui to put on makeup for herself. She changed her clothes and skirts into a suit, put her hair in a top hat, her complexion turned into wheat color again, her eyebrows became thicker and thicker, and soon she changed from a fashionable beauty to a handsome young man. .

"You wait a moment."

Lu Sihui made a disguise by stuffing the two people's clothes with pillows and cotton clothes, which looked like they were hugging each other, and put them on the sofa. After doing everything, she took Professor Li out of the room.

There was a man standing at the door, he was stunned when he saw them, Lu Sihui didn't give him time to react, went over and broke his neck, dragged him into Professor Li's room.

"Let's go."

Professor Li was stunned. Why did this girl move so fast? The other party didn't even have a chance to resist, so she was killed just like that.

Lu Sihui led him up the stairs, and there was also an ambush in the stairs, and she was also silently killed by her.

The feeling of killing makes Lu Sihui very excited, but also more vigilant.

As long as they leave the back door, there will be a car to meet them. They go directly to the pier by car, and then leave City X. The task is considered complete.

It is very simple, but if it is really that simple, the comrades who came in front will not die.

Walking out of the back door of Magore Hotel, she saw a black car. She squinted her eyes to sense the danger, and dragged Professor Li into the hotel quickly. At the same time, bullets hit the pillar beside the door.

The other party used a silent weapon, and they should be lurking here, and the comrades who responded in the car may have been killed.

She asked the robot to help her find the position where the observer was hidden, climbed from the stairs to the small window, took out the silent weapon she carried with her, and slowly opened the window.

She saw the observing hand hiding upstairs on the opposite side, and the other party's binoculars were facing the back door of the hotel. She raised her weapon to find the best time to strike, squinted her eyes and pulled the trigger.

(End of this chapter)

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