Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 522 He Chooses To Believe In Her

Chapter 522 He Chooses To Believe In Her

Seeing that the other party was hit, she quickly turned her weapon down and hid behind a pillar on the opposite street. The man who was staring at the back door opened fire again.

"Let's go!"

The two people hiding in the dark disappeared. She took Professor Li out of the back door and looked at the car. The driver was looking at the man who was beaten to death by Lu Sihui.

He took out his weapon in horror, and just about to open the door to get out of the car, Lu Sihui pushed the door to death and hit him on the head.

After killing four people in succession, Professor Li was completely frightened by Lu Sihui. He didn't even bat an eye when killing people, so cruel to the point of cold blood.

How does this look like a charming beauty?

Simply the coolest killer.

"what happened?"

Zhou Zisong also rushed over at this time. He had just finished dealing with the people who were hiding in the dark that Lu Sihui told him, and there were people from City X here to help him. He thought it was safe.

"He is the enemy."

Lu Sihui doesn't know who is the insider?What she looked at was the opponent's weapon. The weapon on his body was the same as those of the ambush men.

And she could feel his killing intent.


Zhou Zisong glanced at the person who was killed in the car. It was not the internal agent they arranged. It seemed that he was in danger.

Lu Sihui and Professor Li put on makeup, so no one would notice for a while.

The dead people on the opposite side have caused riots, and the police will come soon, so it's dangerous to stay here.

Lu Sihui hid her hands and escorted Professor Li away with Zhou Zisong.

The police car came quickly and passed by the three of them, Lu Sihui also felt nervous at the moment.

With Zhou Zisong around, she couldn't enter the space capsule. She knew the location of the previous enemies, but if she went any further, it would depend on her and Zhou Zisong's observation skills.

Turning a street, and Nei Ying was waiting there, Zhou Zisong gestured for them to hide, and he strode over by himself.

"Is this car going?"

He pretended to be a passenger, and the other party waved impatiently, keeping his eyes on the direction of the street.

"Is it okay to pay five yuan at the pier?"

When Zhou Zisong said the secret signal, the other party's eyes flickered, and he nodded and opened the car door.

Zhou Zisong waved to Lu Sihui behind him, signaling to get in the car.

But at this moment, the driver suddenly drew out his weapon and attacked him.

At a critical moment, Zhou Zisong grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard, the other party screamed, and a bullet was shot at Zhou Zisong from the top of the clock tower.

"Be careful."

Lu Sihui yelled, and someone rushed up to throw Zhou Zisong down, quickly raised his hand, and set an attack on the bell tower.


Zhou Zisong jumped up and broke the driver's neck, beckoning Lu Sihui to get in the car.

"Quick! Get in the car!"

Lu Sihui just took advantage of Zhou Zisong's meeting with the driver and asked the robot to find the enemy's hidden location.

Professor Li thought she was talking to her comrades and didn't care at all.

There was gunpowder in this car, it would explode when driving, so she couldn't let Zhou Zisong get in the car.

"Get in the car, this is an order."

Zhou Zisong frowned and looked at her, how could walking be faster than driving?

"There's gunpowder in the car."

Lu Sihui whispered to him.

"How did you know?"

Zhou Zisong felt that she was delaying the time, and their task this time was to ask for a quick word without giving the other party time to react.

Successfully brought out Professor Li and quickly evacuated.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, I won't get in the car, and I won't let Professor Li get in the car."

Lu Sihui turned cold. She couldn't explain that she knew there was gunpowder in the vehicle through the instruments in the space capsule, could she?
"Okay, let's take a taxi."

Zhou Zisong looked at Lu Sihui steadfastly, seeing that her gaze was very determined. Just now she saved himself and dealt with the opponent's sniper, so he chose to believe her.

"Walking, Professor Li and I's outfits, the other party doesn't know, it's the safest way."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zisong and suggested that there were problems with both cars, and she didn't want to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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