Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 523 Innate insight

Chapter 523 Innate insight
"Okay, let's go then."

Zhou Zisong hesitated for a moment, and agreed to her solution.

He took out the chalk and made a retreat mark on the wall. When the other people saw it, they would naturally choose to leave.

He and Lu Sihui led Professor Li to walk in the crowd. They tried to pick places with as many people as possible, and the siren of the car sounded again.

The local policemen were complaining that during this time, there had been too many murders near the Magill Hotel, which made them overwhelmed.

Zhou Zisong and Lu Sihui placed Professor Li between them. Outsiders saw him as two filial sons supporting their old father.

It's just that Zhou Zisong's handsome appearance attracted the attention of some beauties.

The three hurried on their way, and Lu Sihui looked around vigilantly. She had an innate insight into danger, which Zhou Zisong did not possess.

That was a skill she had practiced on the verge of death, not bad, there was no aura around her that made her feel uneasy.

"Go this way."

Zhou Zisong had the map of City X in his head. He looked at the shops around him, pointed to another road and gave Lu Sihui an order.

If you don’t take a car, you have to take a shortcut and get to the pier as soon as possible, otherwise the ship will leave and you will have to wait for the next one for three hours.

Staying here for one minute longer is dangerous, let alone three hours?
But the shortcut is dangerous. Since the opponent can lay down layers of siege at the entrance of Magore Hotel, there will be no ambushes near the pier.

Zhou Zisong and Lu Sihui guarded Professor Li one after the other. Their task was to escort Professor Li back home safely. If something happened to him, the task would end in failure.

It represented shame to them. Zhou Zisong came here with the idea that if you fail, you will be benevolent, but he hopes to use his body to protect Lu Sihui and Professor Li to return home safely.

On the pier, Zhao Jinchen and No. [-] were already among the people queuing up to board the ship. Both of them scanned the crowd vigilantly, looking for suspicious persons, and issued secret signals when they found them, and other team members went to eliminate the enemies silently.

This is the first time that their special investigation operation team has participated in an operation for the first time. It is a small test and full of ambitions.

Usually a few people train together, and the comrades cooperate with each other tacitly, with a look, a secret signal, and they can understand it immediately.

You can't kill people at the pier, otherwise everyone will not be able to board the ship. The only way is to hold the enemy hostage with a dagger, or stun them, creating a chance for Lu Sihui and Zhou Zisong to evacuate.

When Zhou Zisong led Lu Sihui and Professor Li to wait in line to board the boat, after leaving the boat for a few minutes, No. [-] squeezed out from the queue, walked towards Zhou Zisong, and put the ticket into his hand as he passed by.

Zhou Zisong's face remained normal, and he followed the queue. The moment he was about to board the ship, just as Zhou Zisong handed the ticket to the ticket inspector on board, Lu Sihui pushed Professor Li to the ground.

"Sorry, it's a bit crowded."

She imitated the male voice and said something, and gestured towards Zhao Jinchen.

Number one and Zhao Jinchen could see clearly, and Lu Sihui made a signal with gestures, telling him where the lurking enemy was.

"It's okay!"

Zhou Zisong stretched out his hand to Lu Sihui, and just now he heard her let out a muffled grunt, obviously she had been shot, she disregarded herself, quickly judged the enemy's position, and informed her teammates, which made him very admired.

"I'm a bit cold."

Lu Sihui covered her shoulders and looked at Zhou Zisong. She was shot in the shoulder. She couldn't let others see the blood and affect the boarding.

"Put on my clothes first!"

Zhou Zisong frowned, and seeing Lu Sihui covering her shoulders, he quickly took off his suit and put it on her.

"Get on board."

(End of this chapter)

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