Chapter 534
The four lesbians all had mournful faces, regretting coming here with Ding Li. They wanted to watch the excitement, but they didn't expect to involve themselves in it.

As Lu Sihui expected, these people went to the leader's office, plucked themselves clean, and blamed everything on Ding Li.

In a disguised form, it is equivalent to testifying for her, and with Huang Yaomei's strong testimony, the matter is sorted out.

"Ding Li, you were the one who framed Lu Sihui last time. Since you have been a comrade for so many years, I saved face for you. Are you jealous of Lu Sihui? Then you should work hard and strive to be better than her." Huh? Is there any of you who can compare to her, and if you don’t agree, you can go outside to compare? Lesbians are not only singing and dancing, but also comprehensive quality, understand?"

Captain Zhou slapped the table angrily, saying that she went through the back door to help Lu Sihui, was she wronged?
Vice Captain Jiang is also in the room, she and Captain Zhou both know what's going on?

But this involves confidentiality regulations, so it is natural not to let outsiders know.

But she didn't help, let Captain Zhou be misunderstood, and didn't help her explain.

"I'm just not convinced. She is a new comrade who has just joined the team for less than half a year. In terms of seniority, it is not her turn to be promoted."

When Ding Li saw that no one was helping her, she immediately became angry. Regardless of Captain Zhou being the leader, she yelled at her.

We must fight for one anyway.

"Then you go to the superior! This indicator is assigned to her, and if she is not convinced, even we will sue."

Captain Zhou snorted coldly, she couldn't stand Ding Li anymore.

"I just don't think it's fair."

Ding Li's arrogance was obviously suppressed, she lowered her head and muttered softly.

"You are jealous of your comrades, you push people behind your back, you fall down and then frame up, and you question the decision of the leader, I think it will be a big mistake!"

Captain Zhou sneered and said the punishment for her, it would be good if she was not expelled.

"No! Why?"

Ding Li panicked immediately when she heard this, she was really getting a big mistake, how could she find a job?
Weeping and haggling with Captain Zhou, the other four lesbians gasped when they heard it. Fortunately, they didn't join forces with her, otherwise they would be unlucky too.

"I made it very clear, so let's do it! Vice-captain Jiang, you form a written punishment notice, write the two things I just said in it, and several people present will sign it and record it in her file."

Captain Zhou saw that she did not repent, and no longer saved face for her, so he directly ordered Vice Captain Jiang who had been standing by.


This time he was named, and Vice Captain Jiang couldn't pretend to be confused, so he took a pen and paper and began to write the reason for the punishment.

"No, no! Captain Zhou, I was wrong, you put me in confinement! Fine me for running 5000 meters, don't make a serious mistake!"

Ding Li burst into tears when she heard this, and recorded these two items in her file. Which unit would dare to take her?
Framed people, jealous of people, disobedience to the leader, whatever is brought out is enough.

What I am most afraid of is that if the villagers know about it, who would dare to propose a matchmaker?
"It's late, I gave you a chance, never repent, Teacher Huang, go and call everyone to the training ground, I want everyone to learn a lesson."

Captain Zhou looked at her indifferently, crying with snot and tears streaming down his face, begging bitterly, looking very pitiful, even his knees were weak and he wanted to kneel down.

Sympathy also depends on whom, this kind of person is not qualified to be sympathetic.

Lu Sihui raised one corner of her mouth, looked at Ding Li sarcastically, and silently watched from the other side, watching Ding Li kill herself.

She found that this method of calmly dealing with people is very good, it is much better than fighting and killing herself and getting herself to the forefront.

Soon Teacher Huang's voice came from outside the house: "Everyone gather at the practice ground."

(End of this chapter)

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