Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 535 Kill 1 as an example

Chapter 535
The huge training ground was full of lesbians. Looking at the leaders with serious faces, they all felt that the atmosphere was very oppressive. Everyone was in danger. They didn't know what happened?

"Anyone who has an opinion about Lu Sihui's promotion decision can stand up."

Captain Zhou put her hands behind her back, she had a cold face, with an unquestionable aura, and her voice was very stern.

The lesbians below all lowered their heads, knowing that it was because of this incident.

"An incident happened today. The female team member Ding Li was jealous of Lu Sihui's promotion, insulted and pushed her in the bathroom, pushed her empty, fell down by herself, and framed Lu Sihui in turn. These are the proof materials of several people, all of you You can pass it on."

Zhou Yanhong ordered Teacher Huang to pass on the materials of Ding Li's punishment to everyone, and she wanted to make an example.

"From the day you put on your overalls, you are not ordinary housewives. Don't gossiping in private, gossip behind people's backs when you have nothing to do. Those who spread truth and wrong have bad intentions. If they are disorganized and disciplined, they should be punished. "

Captain Zhou glanced around for a week, and there was no sound on the training ground, and no one dared to meet her gaze.

I was very uneasy, and I was very afraid that someone would pass my comments to the leaders' ears.

"Ding Li was punished with a serious demerit. If anyone talks about the leader's decision in private, you are welcome to report it. I want to see if my unit is a place where people gossip. Anyone who spreads rumors and causes trouble will be fired."

Leader Zhou uttered harsh words, and these lesbians were frightened. It's enough to record a serious demerit, and they have to be fired?
Who wants to be the one who gets fired, and then do they have a future in the future?

Lu Sihui stood silently in the line, looked ahead, and stood upright.

She can feel that someone is watching her secretly, so what?She just likes it like this. You can't understand me, but you can't do anything about me.

Li Mei secretly glanced at Lu Sihui, feeling more and more afraid of her.

What she thought in her mind was that because Lu Sihui was Captain Zhou's nephew and daughter-in-law, she helped her out.

I can't offend her again in the future, otherwise can I still stay in the unit?

Ding Li stood in front with a mournful face. She felt that her face was completely humiliated, that the punishment had become a fact, and she was hurt by her own mouth.

It's a pity that she didn't think so, she stared at Lu Sihui fiercely with resentment, her heart was too dark.

After announcing Ding Li's punishment, Vice Captain Jiang came up to comfort her.

"Everyone should train hard. The opportunity to be promoted depends on individual performance. As long as you perform well, there are still opportunities."

Lu Sihui frowned and glanced at her, always feeling that she was very uncomfortable,

Captain Zhou over there had just finished punishing her, and she came out to pretend to be a good person, obviously confronting Captain Zhou.

"Okay, all of them are here. Let me announce one thing now. Although we are lesbians, we are also members of the Jagged Team. It is also our responsibility to perform meritorious deeds. This requires more practice, so I will get you one It is a good opportunity for training, and the day after tomorrow we will be assigned to each team to participate in strong training according to the platoon."

Captain Zhou frowned and looked at Vice Captain Jiang. Lu Sihui could see it, so how could she not?
Before Vice-Captain Jiang finished speaking, she announced her decision not to give her another chance to buy more. Vice-Captain Jiang lowered his head in embarrassment and stopped talking.

"Squad leader, read what I said, right?"

Huang Yaomei whispered excitedly to Lu Sihui, but she saw her staring straight ahead, and she followed Lu Sihui's example and stood upright.

Lu Sihui looked calm on the surface, but she was excited in her heart. Great, she looked forward to being able to defend the brigade, so that she could train with Zhou Zixu, and it would be best if he was her coach.

(End of this chapter)

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