Chapter 546
After hearing this, the lesbians in the training hall quickly ran towards the drill field, stood in formation, and waited for Vice Captain Jiang to announce the order.

"Lesbians are squeamish and undisciplined. I'm still not convinced by what others said before. Look at you guys. It took you 5 minutes to gather, and you're standing crookedly in formation. What do you look like? It seems that it's time for you to become a real iron blood Boy, otherwise this uniform will be wasted for you to wear."

Deputy Jiang glanced around, put his hands behind his back, and spoke in a cold voice.

She likes this kind of lecturing very much, watching the lesbians below look at her in silence, she likes that reverence.


When the leader lectures, the lesbians below naturally have to salute and agree honestly.

"Listen to yourself, the level is uneven, the voice of the answer is not uniform at all, most of the people present have performed in condolences from the unit, and you don't even have the momentum of those gay men."

Deputy Captain Jiang looked at them with a frown. The answers were uneven, and they looked listless.

It seems that the leadership's decision is correct, these lesbians just lack training.

"Tomorrow, you will be sent to various units to train with the gay men to learn the spirit of hard work and hard work. No one is allowed to embarrass me."

She began to issue orders, and some of the lesbians present were happy and some were sad.

What the happy people think is that they have the opportunity to get in touch with those security team members. If they find a good partner, they can stay in the propaganda team or become regulars in the future.

The worry is because they know that it is really hard for gay men to train.

In the mud, in the water, it looks like a mud monkey after a day, the shoes are wet, and the clothes are soaked in sweat countless times.

They feel that this kind of suffering is unbearable.

"I report once a month."

Seven or eight lesbians raised their hands one after another. During the training, they will take care of the special physique of the lesbians, and once a month, they can't get involved in the cold.

"A few of you can stay, is there anything else for the others?"

Deputy leader Jiang gave these lesbians the impression that they were easy-going and responsive.

That's what she wanted. Captain Zhou was too strict, and the comrades below would have objections to her, secretly talking about her inhumanity.

And I want to be the opposite of her, so that they feel that they are approachable and easy to talk to.

"Report, I sprained my ankle."

"Report, I'm dizzy."

After hearing her words, several lesbians below raised their hands again, and they all found various reasons.

No one in Lu Sihui's class uttered a word. Huang Yaomei obviously had her period, but she gritted her teeth and refused to say that she wanted to go to training to become a stationer capable of writing and martial arts.

"Why are there so many things? No one is allowed to ask for leave, and all go to training."

Vice-captain Jiang was about to say that he was going to leave, but Zhou Yanhong walked over with a cold face, wearing a uniform, and with a word, broke the small minds of the lesbians below.

Vice-captain Jiang's face turned pale and white, and just as she agreed, Zhou Yanhong slapped her in the face in public, which really made her unable to get off the stage.

"Old Jiang, you are soft-hearted. How many people are there in total? Is it normal for so many to come once a month?"

Zhou Yanhong glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, embarrassing herself several times. She came here to issue an order that should be issued by the leader?
Still making up his own mind, really thinking that he doesn't know what she's thinking?It's not just trying to buy people's hearts.

"Ah? Report to the leader, I have a lot of menstrual blood."

There are people below howling and saluting the report. It is a person who is once a month, and it is still a painful person.

The others died down because they were just pretending.

"Then go too."

(End of this chapter)

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