Chapter 547

Zhou Yanhong glared at them, true or false, she didn't want to go to the physical examination one by one, so she gave a serious order.

Seeing that the faces of two girls were really not very good, pale and sweating, her attitude eased.

"The training in the first two days will not be too difficult. It is basically standing in formation and practicing walking in unison. It doesn't have much impact if you come once a month, just stick to it."

She has participated in the training of the king and endured hardships like gay men, so she understands the process.

"The most difficult training will take seven or eight days."

She found that her consolation had no effect on those girls, so she tried to persuade them again.

There is a training in the unit, which is to jump into the muddy water to hone people's willpower.

It's winter now, so there shouldn't be any training for this, and the others won't have much impact.


Facing the stern Captain Zhou, these girls were all honest, and their voices of salutation were much more uniform.

Vice Captain Jiang on the side ground his teeth and chose to remain silent.

The next step is to announce the assignment, according to the division, not in the same unit, it is difficult to manage with too many girls, and it is easier to be obedient with fewer people.

"The new comrade class goes to the security brigade."

Leader Zhou read the list, and in the end it was Lu Sihui and her class's assignment.

Vice Captain Jiang narrowed his eyes and glanced at Zhou Yanhong. She remembered that Zhou Zixu was in the Iron Blood Brigade.

Is Zhou Yanhong's arrangement really good?Whether she has selfish intentions or not, only she knows.

The lesbians were all frowning, some were glad they hadn't been assigned to the security brigade, while some hoped they could go.

There are several super handsome guys there, and they are the most famous in the team. It is an honor to be able to date any of them.

Of course, it is best to be a security guard above a small leader, so that you can feel at ease.

"Remember, don't lose the face of the propaganda team when you go down there, and don't complain about suffering and tiredness at every turn. They were all born by parents, and no one is made of iron. The training that gay men can bear, we can do the same. Hear No."

When Zhou Yanhong lectured, she was very dignified, like a majestic female general.

Lu Sihui looked at her with some admiration, not because she was Zhou Zixu's aunt, but purely because of her aura and domineering appearance.

After the assembly was disbanded, the lesbians were elated, such as Huang Yaomei and Lu Sihui.

There are those who are frowning, such as Squad Leader Li, and several other old comrades.

Squad leader Li was about to break his leg because he ran ten laps on the practice field. Fortunately, Lu Sihui was not there to watch, otherwise, after running fifteen laps, she felt that she would be lying on the ground and unable to get up.

Moreover, she hadn't eaten yet, she was hungry, and standing there would stumble and make her feel dizzy.

At this time, I realized the meaning of the phrase "man is iron and rice is steel".

The last time she visited relatives, she got engaged in her hometown, so compared to those lesbians who want to find a partner in the work unit, she is not willing to suffer.

She was among the people who raised their hands and said once a month.

"I really don't know what silly music is?"

The people in their class are now in the same class as Lu Sihui's new comrades, and seeing them happy makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Don't you know? Lu Sihui's partner is from the Iron Blood Brigade. Of course she is happy to go there for training."

"you said"

"Don't talk nonsense, let someone make a small report, and I have your little shoes to wear."

They were discussing in a low voice, and Ding Liquan heard it. She felt aggrieved and squinted her eyes to look at the leader's office. It was like a family for a family.

Lu Sihui packed her things and sat cross-legged on the upper berth, even though the lower berth was empty, she was unwilling to get down.

"Squad leader, I heard that your partner is a member of the security brigade? I will be able to meet him this time."

(End of this chapter)

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