Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 550 Looks like I've been tricked?

Chapter 550 Looks like I've been tricked?

This is considered to be her once, you can watch it if you want, that's not okay.

"If they are all the same, you deduct our points, I have no objection."

Squad leader Li saw that Lu Sihui was so sure, so he kept his eyes open and didn't say anything dead.

"Originally, it was only two points deducted, which is not too much. If you want to check us, wait until it's your class's turn!"

Lu Sihui stepped nervously and stopped in front of the door, as if she was afraid of them going in.

Squad leader Li frowned and looked at Lu Sihui, his eyes rolling around, thinking in his heart.

"She won't let her in. She must be unqualified for her duties. How can she be a gentleman if she is not righteous?"

Thinking of being played around by her yesterday, my calf still hurts now!
The blood rushed to her head, and she refused to let go.

"No, you are picking bones today. If the cups in your class are all right, the lid of the thermos is not crooked, and other duties are qualified, you can deduct three times the points from us. If your duties fail, I will Go to the leader and sue you."

"Are you okay?"

Huang Yaomei felt that she was unreasonable, which was simply an unreasonable request.

"Lu Sihui, what do you say?"

Squad leader Li yelled at Lu Sihui directly.

"Don't you? How hurtful is this? Don't you think so?"

Lu Sihui looked at Squad Leader Li and the lesbians in her dormitory in embarrassment, her tone obviously softened.

"Hmph, are you guilty?"

Squad leader Li became proud when he saw her like this, and crossed his arms and looked sideways at Lu Sihui.

"It's not guilty, it's just that we should investigate you, but you want to do the opposite. This is against the rules."

Lu Sihui looked like a dead duck with a hard mouth, and Squad Leader Li was even more unforgiving.

"What are you doing? You haven't packed up yet, you're going to leave the team today."

Teacher Huang walked in, saw the two classes of lesbians facing each other, frowned and pushed the crowd away.

Seeing Lu Sihui again, she stroked her forehead and lamented that it would be bad to have her.


Lu Sihui saluted, and gave Squad Leader Li a provocative look, as if he was relieved.

"Mr. Huang, you came just in time, that's what happened."

Squad leader Li didn't want to miss the opportunity, so he grabbed Teacher Huang and told the whole story.

"I think they are picky and asked to visit their dormitory, but she disagreed."

After filing the complaint, Squad Leader Li pointed at Lu Sihui's nose. She felt that she would definitely make Lu Sihui look good this time, and her eyes looked impatient.

"Lu Sihui did nothing wrong."

Teacher Huang frowned. This is a lesbian team, so everything must be neatly arranged on the gay side.

I'm about to leave the team soon, so I can't relax, and I will be tense in the future.

"Ms. Huang, we are not convinced. If her dormitory is neatly arranged, I am willing to deduct three times the points."

In order to get Teacher Huang to agree, Squad Leader Li brought out the conditions he had negotiated with Lu Sihui.

"Lu Sihui, are you making things difficult on purpose?"

Teacher Huang glared at Squad Leader Li, and she was really biting her tongue. If she didn't deal with it, she would be suspected of being part of the gang.

"Of course not. I think whether it's gay or lesbian, they are iron-blooded men. Service represents the self-discipline of an iron-blooded man. You can't relax yourself just because others can't see it. When you come to the security brigade, you see that we even do our duties. Not good, you will be ridiculed."

Lu Sihui saluted, and reported in a loud voice, without the look of just trying to calm things down.

Squad leader Li frowned and looked at her. She was afraid of being checked just now, and she was obviously guilty. Why is she so impassioned now?
There was a faint feeling in my heart, as if I had been tricked by Lu Sihui?
"Okay, well said, open the door to check."

(End of this chapter)

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