Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 551 She fell into a trap

Chapter 551 She fell into a trap
Lu Sihui went to open the door calmly, but Squad Leader Li became visibly nervous. She regretted it, why did she feel something was wrong.

The door opened, and for the sake of fairness, Teacher Huang went into the room to check it himself, and scanned the room with sharp eyes. The new comrade's dormitory was clean and bright.

I deliberately walked to the table to look at the cups and thermos. They were well-behaved and orderly.

"Squad Leader Li, what else do you want to say?"

Teacher Huang turned around and looked at Squad Leader Li, who looked anxious behind him. I believe she has seen everything in front of her. Is there nothing to say this time?
"Nothing to say."

Squad leader Li glanced at Lu Sihui, she fell into a trap, Lu Sihui first pretended to be nervous, and made herself think that she had a ghost in her heart, so she dared to speak big.

Now that the words have been spoken, it is difficult to take them back.

"As a veteran comrade, service is the most basic thing. Don't you feel ashamed if you can't do it well and make unreasonable words?"

Teacher Huang's tone was harsh, and he didn't save any face for Squad Leader Li.

Squad leader Li's face was red and his ears were red when he was scolded. He lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word.

Everyone in the old comrade's class gathered around the door. Hearing Teacher Huang's words, they all walked out of the dormitory in despair, and hurried to the practice ground to gather.

In my heart, I have a big opinion on Squad Leader Li. I deducted one point because of her yesterday. Today, I only deducted two points. She insisted on betting that now it’s all right, and directly deducted six points. Adding the previous one point, their dormitory will last two days. Losing seven points is simply too embarrassing.

The point is, there are only ten points in total, five points deducted in a week is considered a failure, and seven points must be reported on the blackboard. The whole publicity team knows that they are unqualified for their work, and seven points are deducted in two days, which is too dirty to deduct So many points?

"Triple points will be deducted! What I said is an order. I will take it as a warning in the future. Don't rely on yourself as an old comrade to be sloppy. You can see for yourself that the new comrades class is so clean. Are you embarrassed?"

Teacher Huang glared at Squad Leader Li, who was afraid to speak, and refused to let her get away with it.


Squad leader Li was about to cry, because he lost seven points, what would the people in the class think of her?Convincing power is gone, will anyone still listen to what I say in the future?

"All go out to gather, finish the morning training, and leave after eating."

Teacher Huang stopped talking to Squad Leader Li who wanted to cry but waved to everyone.

Look at the female ice hockey players of the New Comrade Team, each with their heads held high, as if they had won a beautiful battle.

After the morning training was over, they went to the cafeteria to line up for dinner. Huang Yaomei elbowed Lu Sihui.

"Look, monitor."

Lu Sihui looked in the direction of her pouting mouth, seeing that Squad Leader Li was isolated by the stationmates in their class, she looked at her with disgust.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he found it by himself, so it's not worthy of pity.

Squad leader Li obviously felt her gaze, and raised his head to give her a look, but after meeting her deep and cold eyes, he lowered his head in fright and dared not make a sound.

I always feel that Lu Sihui's black pupils are like two black gunpowder, and one more look can shatter her to pieces.

After dinner, the lesbians all went back to the dormitory to pack their clothes. There were already several large trucks parked on the training ground, all of which were sent by various units to pick up the lesbians.

"Squad leader, the car from the security brigade is here, and it's Captain Zhou who came to pick us up in person."

Li Mei flew to the training ground with all her heart, and looked out of the window from time to time. When she saw Zhou Zixu's tall figure, she shouted excitedly to Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui's heart began to beat wildly, and she really wanted to go out to see Zixu immediately, but she was the class monitor, so she had to take care of her comrades first.

"Don't look, hurry up and clean up."

Her things had already been packed into the gray canvas bag, and the other lesbians were almost packed, so Li Mei was the only one who wasted time.


Li Mei hurriedly ran to pack her luggage.

Lu Sihui couldn't help but glanced out of the window, just in time for Zhou Zixu's black pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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