Chapter 554

The driver thought he still had tasks for him, but Zhou Zixu threw him a sentence:
"You take the car, get in the car quickly."

The driver opened his mouth wide, the leader drove, let him take the car?When did he become so approachable?
Zhou Zixu drove the car steadily. Where there were potholes, he would ease off the accelerator and drive slowly, making sure that the car would not be too bumpy.

Who let his beloved woman sit in the car!
Lu Sihui lowered her head. She was sitting against the carriage, next to the driver's cab. The car was driving so steadily, so she knew who it was?
With a sweet heart, Zhou Zixu has always cared about her so much.

The driver looked at Zhou Zixu with a bitter face. It was supposed to be more than half an hour's journey, but he still hadn't arrived after an hour of driving!
"Squad leader, it's no wonder that women like you, you know how to pity and cherish jade."

Couldn't help but babble, Zhou Zixu gave him a chestnut directly.

There was no mercy in his hands, but he was still teasing him with his mouth.

"Learn a bit, otherwise it will be difficult to find a wife."

"Understood, leader, are you holding an iron in your hand? It hurts to play."

"Why is this car driving so slowly? It's freezing to death."

Li Mei hugged her arms and shrunk her neck, she would rather get to the place faster with more bumps.

"Didn't I borrow Lu Sihui's light?"

Ding Li said something strangely, and looked at Lu Sihui provocatively.

"Where are the flies?"

Huang Yaomei stood up for the monitor, and she also knew about the engagement between the monitor and Zhou Zixu. Unlike those jealous people, she was happy for the monitor.

Lu Sihui glanced at Ding Li coldly, but ignored her.

Li Mei felt that she had said something wrong, and looked at Lu Sihui pitifully, like a child who did something wrong.

"See how you scare your friends in your class? You must treat them badly."

Seeing Li Mei's appearance, Ding Li found another excuse to attack Lu Sihui.

"Okay, don't say a few words."

Zhang Tingting, who has a good relationship with her, gave her a push. It's okay to provoke trouble, but don't you think that the punishment she received was not enough?
"I have to say a few words less, or I will be given a big mistake."

Ding Li pushed forward and began to find faults and attack.

The more Lu Sihui didn't speak, the more guilty she felt that she didn't dare to quarrel with herself.

"What do you really want? Is it interesting to target everywhere?"

Lu Sihui spoke coldly, her eyes became sharper, she moved her hands, and when she moved her fingers, there was a clicking sound.

This was a silent threat, and Ding Li's face turned black. She knew that Lu Sihui was a bit skilled, and Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang could not take advantage of her in front of her, and she was afraid that she would not be able to beat her.

"It's okay, Squad Leader Lu, she just said that you have face."

Zhang Tingting helped her out and smiled at Lu Sihui.


Lu Sihui snorted coldly and stopped looking at them.

Soon the car drove into the Jagged Brigade, and when the car stopped, the girls in the car jumped up.

"I'm here, my feet are numb from the cold, whoever gets out of the car first will pick me up."

"I'll take you."

Helping each other get out of the car, Huang Yaomei looked excitedly at the gay men on the training ground as soon as she got off the car. She stood really straight, her legs were shoulder-width apart, her hands were behind her back, her eyes were sharp, and she was imposing.

"This is the unit! This is the iron-blooded man!"

She whispered adoringly.

"Huang Yaomei pick me up."

Li Mei saw that she was only looking at the training ground, so she reached out her hand.

Zhou Zixu closed the door of the driver's cab, strode towards the back of the car, and watched the lesbians jump off one by one, but among the people who got off the car, why didn't he have his Sihui?

Lu Sihui was the last one to get out of the car, she refused Huang Yaomei's help, she jumped out of the car quickly.

When she landed, she felt a black shadow covering her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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