Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 555 Developing Devil-style Training

Chapter 555 Developing Devil-style Training
Raising his head, he stood in front of himself with a thoughtful heart.

"Squad Leader Lu, welcome to the security brigade."

Zhou Zixu stretched out his big hand solemnly, it was completely official language, but his eyes were provocative, which made Lu Sihui laugh.

"Thank you, Captain Zhou."

Lu Sihui extended her hand generously and held it together with his big hand.

Sitting in the icy carriage all the way, his hands were so cold that there was no warmth in them. Zhou Zixu's big hands opened to wrap those small hands completely, and a warm current poured into his heart.

Feeling the strength in his hands slightly increased, she smiled and raised her head to meet his delighted and doting eyes.

But feeling the jealous eyes around her, she had to stop.

Facing his obsidian-bright eyes, raised an eyebrow at him, motioning him to let go.

"Everyone is there, send the luggage to the dormitory, and gather at the playground."

Zhou Zixu let go of his hand, and when he looked at the other lesbians, his eyes were as cold as ice, and there was an unquestionable order in his voice.

A 160-degree turn, completely lacking the gentleness when facing Lu Sihui.


Originally, the lesbians stomped their feet back and forth on the ground in the cold. They were in the Jagged Brigade. They had to pay attention to their image, otherwise they would have jumped on the ground long ago. When they heard what Captain Zhou said, they all packed their bags on their backs, wishing to fly to the warm place immediately. dormitory.

"Captain Zhou, did you receive it?"

Zhou Zisong walked over with steady strides, his eyes glanced around sharply, disorganized, how could he look like an iron-blooded team member?

These lesbians really should train hard, otherwise they will run faster than anyone else when they see the bullets.

"Yes, people have received all of them."

Zhou Zixu saluted with his feet together. Although he had conflicts with his eldest brother, this time he put himself in charge of training new comrades, which was actually a gesture of goodwill to him.

In front of fellow fans, you must have the respect you deserve.

What's more, iron-blooded men take obeying orders as their bounden duty, and it is the duty of iron-blooded men for subordinates to obey their superiors.

"There is no distinction between men and women in the Jagged Brigade. Don't expect special care just because you are a lesbian."

Ruthless and ruthless, there is no warmth in the words.

Zhou Zisong was dismounted, and the lesbians who beat him were caught off guard.

Just now I was secretly sighing that he is so handsome, a cold man Fan.

As a result, the peach blossoms haven't bloomed yet!He froze to death with a basin of ice and snow.


Lu Sihui saluted and agreed loudly.


The other lesbians came back to their senses and hurriedly saluted and agreed.Intermittent, high and low voice.

"Speak up and orderly."

Zhou Zisong furrowed his brows deeply, becoming even more dissatisfied, and the voice he shouted was stern.


The lesbians were frightened by him and yelled loudly, some of them were shrill because their voices were too loud.

"Captain Zhou, I'll give you three days. After three days, I want to see that these lesbians are like iron-blooded team members, not just singing and dancing."

So Zhou Zisong was still not satisfied, he was too lazy to look at these girls, and gave Zhou Zixu orders directly.


Zhou Zixu raised his chest and feet, and saluted a standard, with a loud voice, much stronger than the lacklustre voices of lesbians.

Zhou Zisong nodded in satisfaction, turned and left without even looking at the lesbians.

No matter how good-looking it is, it is just a vase. There are no mountains and no flat land.

Only Lu Sihui and No. [-] are worthy of being called real iron-blooded players.

Zhou Zixu grinned, these lesbians are used to being loose, can they be trained in three days?

Then there is only one way, to carry out devil training.

(End of this chapter)

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