Chapter 556

The dormitory was ready. Seventeen people could not fit in one dormitory. Zhou Zixu arranged for two dormitories, one facing the sun and the other facing the shade.

In winter, the room on the sunny side can be at least two degrees warmer than the room on the shady side, and in summer, the shady side is better and cooler.

Lu Sihui and everyone in the class were assigned to the sunny room, don't ask why?Zhou Zixu feels sorry for his wife, okay?
Ding Li looked angrily at Lu Sihui leading people into the dormitory, and then returned to her dormitory angrily.

"Let's talk about the rules. Our security brigade is different from the propaganda team. Those who fail to perform daily duties will be severely fined. When the wake-up call rings, the equipment must be completed within 1 minute. When the dinner call rings, you must queue up to enter the cafeteria. The meal time is 3 minutes, can't finish the heavy punishment, and there are also training matters. The training of our security team is all weight training. Since you are here, you have to be the same as the stationmates of the security team, but only five kilograms at the beginning. , I hope you can adapt as soon as possible.”

The lesbians looked at Zhou Zixu in dismay. This man with a pair of smiles that shone brightly and was as warm as the spring sun, was a bit impolite when he was ruthless. When he was admonishing, his eyes flashed sharply like blades, and he glanced at anyone's eyes. At that time, everyone was terrified.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu appreciatively, standing in front of him, his aura was even stronger.


Seeing that other lesbians were dumbfounded after listening to Zhou Zixu's lecture, Lu Sihui put her feet together and answered loudly.

Zhou Zixu glanced at her appreciatively. He had trained side by side with her for five days, and Sihui's potential was boundless. This request was nothing to her.


Huang Yaomei came to her senses and felt that if the monitor could do it, so could she, at worst, she would sleep in her uniform tonight.

"Okay, let's go pack your things!"

Zhou Zixu waved his hand, the meeting was over.

This is a dormitory for lesbians, he couldn't stay long, so he left in great strides.

"What should we do? Captain Zhou looked at him with a smile on his face, and he was even colder than Director Zhou outside."

"Don't take off your clothes to sleep tonight, or tomorrow will definitely be too late."

People in Ding Li's class, including Li Mei and Wang Haixia, all began to cry, mainly because they thought the time was too short to achieve their goals.

"tidy up."

Lu Sihui glanced at them indifferently, and heard that gay men can be fully equipped in 20 seconds after hearing the wake-up call. If Zhou Zixu asked them to do this, they would probably cry.

I didn’t bring too much luggage. I carried the bedding on my back, and just took it off and spread it on the couch. I only had one set of clothes for changing and washing. I had a few extra pieces of underwear. I didn’t like to dry them after washing in winter.

Lu Sihui tidied up relatively quickly. She was used to sleeping on the upper bunk, and she didn't fight with the others in her class. She went directly to the upper bunk and chose the worst position.

Now the rest of the class, basically there is nothing too annoying, except Li Mei who is a little thoughtful, and all she thinks about is her partner.

Both Lu Xiaoyan and Wang Haixia are honest, and Huang Yaomei simply adores herself.

"Squad leader, I'll sleep in your lower bunk."

Huang Yaomei saw that Lu Sihui chose the couch facing the window, which was the coldest place, so Li Mei and the others all looked for a place near the inside.

She also came over with a quilt. A dormitory can accommodate ten people, and her class only has seven people. She can choose a lot of seats.

But she just likes being with Lu Sihui.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui responded lightly.

Huang Yaomei threw the luggage on her back onto the lower bunk and began to pack it.

"I thought you could get some preferential treatment, and now you are just like us."

Ding Li stood at the door with her arms around her arms, looking at Lu Sihui who was sitting on the upper bunk, she smiled sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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