Chapter 563
"Is this considered heavy? When I first joined the unit, you seemed to punish me much more severely than this. You said that you should kill me to warn others. Whoever made her slap her on the tongue today, she asked for it."

Zhou Zixu looked at his elder brother with a sneer, and remembered that he was transferred to his subordinates. He said that he was not a gay man, and asked him to do 5000 push-ups in public, and let him run [-] meters with a weight. , You are not allowed to eat until you finish the day.

After being so poisonous to his own brother, now he feels sorry for Ding Li?

Ding Li made three mistakes in a row, and there was nothing wrong with her punishment.

At the beginning, he was fined for three consecutive days just because of his irregular movements, but he was fined for three days in a row. Why didn't he feel that he was going too far?
"Okay, if you make a mistake, you will be punished. This is for your own good."

Zhou Zisong interrupted his younger brother impatiently, and it was an old score with himself.

"I'm also doing it for Ding Li's sake. Director Zhou has nothing else to do. I'm going to the cafeteria for dinner."

Zhou Zixu stood up with a smile, tugged at his coat, and saluted Zhou Zisong with a non-standard salute, which seemed to be perfunctory and lacking respect.

"Be careful, don't let people gossip."

Zhou Zisong frowned and suppressed his anger. Originally, he wanted to reconcile with his younger brother, so he let him train lesbians.

He even went to find his aunt himself to make sure that the new comrades came, that is, to let Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu get along together for a short time, and he worked hard.

I don't want to cause the relationship between the two brothers to ease up just because of a small matter, and make it stiff again.


Zhou Zixu replied lazily, others gossip?Does he care?
With one corner of his mouth raised coldly, he left Zhou Zisong's office with long legs.

The cafeteria was crowded with people. Because of the arrival of the lesbians from the propaganda team, the cook made two dishes that girls like to eat.

The lesbians lined up behind their friends to enter the cafeteria, smelling the aroma of the food, swallowing their saliva for nothing.

After being trained by Zhou Zixu for a whole morning, I was tired, cold and hungry, and I wished I could have a hot meal right away to revitalize my frozen limbs.

"My elbow is blue, it hurts."

"I was even worse. I hurt my knee and it hurts to walk."

"Captain Zhou also said that the training will not be too strict in the first two days! It's terrible."

The lesbians started talking in low voices, with complaints on their faces.

"Shut up."

Captain Sun, who led them, let out an angry roar. They really had no rules. They looked like old women in the countryside who were full and squatting and chatting under the roots of big trees. They didn't look like they were team members.


The lesbians were frightened and hurriedly answered loudly.

Well this time, the voice is tidy, and it sounds very loud.

All the stationmates in the cafeteria looked over in unison, and looked down at these girls in embarrassment.

He honestly ordered a meal, usually he could only eat one steamed bun, but now he took three.

If you don’t eat enough, you don’t know what torment you will suffer in the afternoon!Eat more antifreeze.


When the deputy captain gave an order, all the friends stood up and sang loudly. The loud and clear singing echoed in the cafeteria, showing the aura of the iron-blooded man.

"It's delicious."

Huang Yaomei ate the stewed pork vermicelli in a sputtering voice, and she whispered while eating. Lu Sihui twitched the corners of her mouth, lowered her head and ate her food silently without looking at her.

Suddenly felt a black shadow passing by in front of him, blocking the sunlight outside the window, subconsciously raised his head, and saw a pair of smiling eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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