Chapter 564

It was Zhou Zixu, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she took a sip of the vegetable soup from the bowl, and her black eyes, as dazzling as jewels, looked into his eyes.

The two of them have the same heart, and they can understand each other's meaning with just one look.

Zixu asked her to eat more!
My heart is sweet, like eating honey, this meal is much more fragrant than before.

The smile in Zhou Zixu's eyes was just swept away, and soon changed to an iceberg face, his cold eyes glanced around, the lesbians who were still hugging and watching the show all lowered their heads in fright, and honestly ate their own meals.

Zhou Zixu had a big appetite. He brought six steamed buns and a bowl of vegetables to the leader's seat, and ate with the other two leaders.


The captains of the second and third teams all nodded to Zhou Zixu when they saw Zhou Zixu.


Zhou Zixu nodded with a smile, his popularity in the defense brigade is not bad.

The team members ate no slower than the stationmates. They ate all the food in their stomachs within the specified time, stood up, put on their hats and walked out of the cafeteria first.

"Eat quickly, there is a time limit."

Huang Yaomei burped and finished her meal, seeing that Li Mei was still putting on a show, eating very elegantly, she couldn't help reminding her.

There is no need to keep a full stomach in order to maintain the image of a lady.

"Don't worry about it."

Li Mei glared at her, who is as vulgar as her.

Girls have to eat well, with a pair of eyes secretly looking at the leader's table from time to time, they are all so handsome, each with an extraordinary demeanor, the most handsome is Zhou Zixu.

It's a pity that he already has a master, and she dare not think about it.

As for the others, she can settle for any one, but there is only one opportunity missing.

That's why she acted gracefully, trying to attract their attention.

After all, the time she spends with gay men is only during dinner, and she can choose slowly when there are enough people.

"If you can't finish eating, you will be punished. You want to accompany Ding Li."

Lu Sihui said something coldly, her voice was not loud, but it frightened Li Mei.

Pick up the bowl and start to eat desperately, this is good, it really attracts attention.

When the team members passed by her, they couldn't help frowning. What kind of food is this?
Are all lesbians like this?It's almost like coming from the refugee team, and it's rougher than gay men eating.

Li Mei put down the bowl with a mournful face, eating too fast, she kept belching.

The image he had painstakingly maintained now completely collapsed.

Not as good as other lesbians!Everyone eats better than her.

"It's time to clean the station."

A whistle sounded, signaling the end of meal time.

Standardized management is strict, and there is a time limit for eating and sleeping.

Every friend took the rice kui that they had eaten, and lined up to wash the dishes by themselves.

The table should also be cleared.

There is a two-hour break after eating, and physical training at two o'clock in the afternoon. This is what scares the girls.

Walking out of the cafeteria, seeing Ding Li who was being punished in the heavy snow, she seemed to be lying on the ground, unable to get up.

The squad leader in front of her scolded her loudly. This scene made the girls terrified, and no one dared to make mistakes casually.

"What should I do? Will it be like this in the future?"

The old members of Ding Li's class were talking in low voices with bitter faces, and they wanted to leave after only a morning.

"I really hope it ends in one day, Lu Sihui, tell your partner, can you not be so strict?"

When these people saw Lu Sihui walking out of the cafeteria, they all came over and begged her.

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at these girls, looking a little embarrassed, she spoke in a cold voice.

"Aren't you the iron-blooded team members? You can't bear this hard work?"

(End of this chapter)

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