Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 565: Standing and Saying You Have No Back Pain

Chapter 565

She doesn't feel bitter, she likes this kind of harsh training very much, and hopes that she can be as strong as the other members of the security team.

"Easier said than done."

Seeing Lu Sihui's refusal to agree, the girls had nothing to say, and they muttered dissatisfied.

"Didn't I train with you? In terms of seniority, you are old comrades, and we are new comrades. Shouldn't you set an example?"

Lu Sihui's eyes were as cold as the snowflakes flying in the sky, and what she said made these old comrades feel ashamed.

Among the new comrades, Li Mei was the only one who complained, while the others gritted their teeth.

Especially Lu Sihui, who kept silent during training and strictly followed orders.

When I was lying down, I didn't care whether I fell hard or not. I just lay down on the ground when I heard the command, and it hurt even when I heard the sound.

No longer paying attention to them, Lu Sihui looked at the training ground, Ding Li was called out by Xiao Zhao, who threw her two leggings.

She raised the corner of her mouth slightly, this should be running with a heavy load, right?
That's not bad, after practicing for a while, you can fly on the grass, as light as a swallow.

"Ding Li is so pitiful."

The old comrade who has a good relationship with Ding Li whispered, she secretly carried a steamed bun in her pocket, it was for Ding Li, but she dared not go there.

"You can go with her."

Lu Sihui looked at her with a half-smile, but the old comrade was startled.

She took a step back and waved her hands again and again. She didn't have the determination to share weal and woe. It would be nice if she could help her hide a steamed bun.

"Squad leader, let's go back and rest for a while! I don't know how to train this afternoon!"

Li Mei came to pull Lu Sihui, she was afraid that she would quarrel with these girls.

"Go back to the dormitory."

Lu Sihui nodded, pulled out her sleeves calmly, and strode ahead.

Li Mei looked at her free hand and was stunned for a few seconds.

"Hey, I slapped the horse's ass on the horse's leg."

The old comrade looked at her with a sneer, sneered and left.

"Come on, don't talk to them, you can't talk about it in the unit."

Huang Yaomei came over to call Li Mei, alleviating her embarrassment.

"Yes, the monitor is doing the right thing."

Zhou Zixu stood with his hands behind his back and stood on the sidelines of the practice field, personally supervising Ding Li.

"Xiao Zhao, you go to eat."

Ding Li almost burst into tears when she heard the word "eat".

It was freezing cold, but she was sweating profusely, and she was exhausted after doing three hundred push-ups.

The stomach also protested with her. It would be better not to mention the word "eat", but it made me even more hungry.

"Captain, let me eat too! This will be exhausting. I come here once a month. You are abusing me."

In order not to suffer, Ding Li didn't care about her face, and made Xiao Zhao's face turn red when she opened her mouth, then turned and ran to the cafeteria in a hurry.

"Oh, that's great! Today's punishment is over."

Zhou Zixu sneered and said something, seeing Ding Li's relieved expression, he spoke again slowly.

"After three days, go ahead and write it down first, you can go to eat."

The corners of Ding Li's raised mouth collapsed in an instant, she squatted on the ground covering her face, her shoulders shrugged as if she was crying.

It's a pity that Zhou Zixu didn't look at her at all, his sympathy was only for Lu Sihui, he turned around and strode away.

When Ding Li heard the sound of footsteps going away, she peeked through her fingers and saw that Zhou Zixu had really left, so she didn't give a word of consolation, she acted in vain.

The cold wind blew past, and she shivered. She was sweating when she was doing push-ups just now, but now she was pierced by the cold wind, and her upper and lower teeth were chattering from the cold.

He stood up and ran towards the cafeteria, hoping to still have a mouthful of hot food.

(End of this chapter)

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