Chapter 566
Lu Sihui brought the whole class back to the dormitory. Fortunately, she said that during the few days of training in the Neishan mountain, she could hold on to the intense training in the ice and snow. Today was just a small warm-up.

But the others were miserable. They took off their padded jackets, rolled up their sleeves, and smeared red medicine on their elbows.

"Oh, our Jun Xun back then is incomparable to what it is now."

Li Mei's knees were bruised. When she lay down, she knelt down first, and then fell down again, which hurt her knees.

The others were all kneeling on their elbows, which was different from her.

Lu Sihui took a glance, and found that the other six people were somewhat bruised.

After thinking about it, as the monitor, I have the responsibility to teach them.

"You can see my actions clearly."

She decided to set an example and let them follow suit.

"The whole body is tilted down on the ground, with as little effort as possible."

Lu Sihui stood up straight and lay down, while the other six people stared at her with wide eyes.

"Have you seen the skills clearly?"

After Lu Sihui stood up, she looked around and found that except for Huang Yaomei who was eager to try, the others all looked confused.

"Look, lie down."

Lu Sihui had to demonstrate three times in a row.

"Do you understand?"

Stand up and ask again, if you don't understand this, you are too stupid.


The girls answered in unison.

"Then try it once."

Lu Sihui nodded in satisfaction, raised the corner of her mouth to order them.

"Squad leader, let us rest for a while! Now I hear these two words, my heart trembles."

Wang Haixia answered with a sad face, it was a conditioned reflex, and she wanted to lie down on the ground when she heard the word lying down.

"That's right, squad leader, your body is falling apart, how about taking a break? There's still training at two o'clock in the afternoon!"

Lu Xiaoyan usually doesn't say a word, but today she couldn't take it anymore, she lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

"Okay! Huang Yaomei, drink more hot water."

Lu Sihui shook her head, since she didn't force herself like this, she told Huang Yaomei to climb up to her upper bunk, lie down and rest.

"Oh, look at her, she is still practicing when she returns to the dormitory! This is the power of love."

There were sour words coming from outside the door, and it sounded like it was Ding Li's voice.

Lu Sihui snorted coldly, still have the strength to speak?Don't you want to run 5000 meters?

I closed my eyes and didn't bother to talk to her, recharged my energy and looked forward to the afternoon training.

Thinking of Zhou Zixu and her talking in code words, the corners of Lu Sihui's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and soon fell asleep.

The other girls had already been lying down. This was nap time, and no one wanted to waste it.

Too tired in the morning, the girls fell asleep as soon as they lay down, and those who didn't snore snored slightly, and Huang Yaomei's snoring was even louder than usual.

The assembly number rang while they were sleeping soundly. Lu Sihui was woken up from her dream and looked at the watch on the wall. It was already [-]:[-]?

They slept long enough.

"Quick, pack up, assemble."

Lu Sihui was the first to jump down on the couch, gave orders to the other girls, stretched out her hands to flatten the couch, and scanned the room again.

The brows could not help but frown, the dormitory is usually very tidy, but today it was a mess, the red potion was thrown on the table, and there were cotton swabs on the floor, this is not a gentleman's business.

She tidied up quickly, which wasted time. Footsteps came from outside the door, the sound was heavy, and the person who heard it was angry.

"Hurry up and assemble."

Lu Sihui hurriedly told the people in the dormitory to go out, and when she went out, she ran into Captain Sun with an angry expression on her face. Seeing both Lu Sihui and Ding Li's classes had just left the dormitory, the roar made everyone's ears hurt.

"What are you doing? How long has the assembly number been ringing, and you're still stuck in the house?"

(End of this chapter)

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