Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 576 Are you here to eavesdrop?

Chapter 576 Are you here to eavesdrop?

He is not polite to this kind of person, and there is no need to be polite. Li Mei's grievance and her tears can't soften his heart at all.

"Captain Zhou, I have a good relationship with the squad leader. I just want to ask you to help me find a partner in the unit, so you punish me? Huh. I'll go to the squad leader."

When Li Mei was in a hurry, tears came out, and she started to cry, and she could say this.

"You begged me for this?"

When Zhou Zixu heard her words, his expression turned from cold to warm, and he felt very funny in his heart, he was still being sentimental.

Huang Yaomei happened to hear Li Mei's words, curled her lips in disgust, and muttered in a low voice: "It's really embarrassing, how can someone take the initiative to introduce someone to you?"

The sound of her footsteps caught Zhou Zixu's attention, and seeing Huang Yaomei holding a kettle in her hand, she was still curling her mouth in disgust.

Zhou Zixu frowned, and called her directly; "What are you doing?"

"Huh? I'll fetch water."

Huang Yaomei was found by Zhou Zixu, she was so frightened that she hurriedly saluted and threw the kettle on the ground.

"Fetching water? The water room is over there. What are you doing in the training ground?"

Zhou Zixu glared at her angrily, he was sneaky, did he come to eavesdrop?

"Yes, I want to get some snow to save trouble."

Huang Yaomei was afraid of being punished by Zhou Zixu, so she lied as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Nonsense, what are you doing?"

Seeing that she was dishonest, Zhou Zixu's voice was stern. He was covered in snowflakes without anger, looking like a god who descended from the sky.

"That's right, the class leader asked me to come out and get some water for the whole class to drink ginger syrup. I didn't see you guys here, so I came to take a look because I was curious. Li Mei has been out for a long time, so I don't worry."

Huang Yaomei was frightened and told the truth.

"Your squad leader gave the whole class to drink ginger syrup?"

Zhou Zixu grasped the important point, the brown sugar and ginger he bought for her, Lu Sihui actually generously gave away, his heart!Pull out cool, pull out cool.

It feels like Sihui has shown his sincerity to others.

"Yes, our squad leader didn't know who sent the brown sugar, but when he saw we needed it, he took it out for everyone to drink. She is doing well."

Speaking of Lu Sihui, Huang Yaomei's face is full of admiration, and she can't stop talking.

"Captain, will I be punished tomorrow?"

When Li Mei saw Huang Yaomei, her face flushed like a pig's liver, it was too embarrassing, when did she come?
Hearing her say brown sugar again, I immediately knew who gave it to me.

Hmph, everyone pretends to be quite dignified, in fact!Sneak out to the practice ground for a date.

She seized this opportunity to ask Zhou Zixu, just to let him know that she knew everything.

"No need, your squad leader loves you so much, I'll sell her face, but in tomorrow's training, no one is allowed to lose the chain, otherwise, don't blame my six relatives for not recognizing you."


Li Mei breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to watch Huang Yaomei turn around and run towards the dormitory.

"I'm going to fetch water."

Huang Yaomei didn't dare to stay alone with Zhou Zixu, the captain usually looked good-tempered, but when he turned dark, he was really scary.

He ran away with the kettle in his hand, leaving Zhou Zixu standing alone in the snow, looking up at the noisy snowflakes, why did it never end?

When Li Mei opened the door and crashed into the room, she looked flustered. Everyone in the dormitory looked at her, including Lu Sihui.

She looked at Li Mei suspiciously, she had been back for a long time, and she just came back with a panicked face, as if she had encountered something terrible?

As the class monitor, she naturally had to ask clearly, she frowned and asked Li Mei.

"Li Mei, you were behind me just now, why did it take you so long to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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