Chapter 577

Li Mei didn't dare to look at Lu Sihui. Could she say that because Lu Sihui didn't speak for her, she went to find Zhou Zixu by herself?
You can't say this to death, and you can't afford to lose face.

"I'm outside watching the snowflakes."

After hesitating for a while, she began to make up excuses, and the eyeballs wandering around revealed her lies.

"Oh, quite leisurely and elegant."

Lu Sihui looked at her mockingly, with obvious disbelief in her voice.

Huang Yaomei fetched water and ran all the way back to the dormitory. When she came back, she took a look at the practice field and breathed a sigh of relief this time.

Fortunately, the captain leader has already left, otherwise, under his fierce gaze, she could even walk smoothly.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Lu Sihui asking Li Mei, and she said something right away.

"Squad leader, I know what she did."

When Li Mei heard her speak, her face turned pale with fright. If the lesbians in the dormitory knew that she had asked Zhou Zixu for an introduction, wouldn't they laugh at her in the future?
"Don't say it."

She turned her head and begged Huang Yaomei in a low voice, still making a gesture of bowing with her hands.

"Huang Yaomei, tell me."

Lu Sihui snarled, this is the Jun team, why did it look like it did something shameful?

She is the class monitor, so she must understand clearly.


Huang Yaomei put the kettle on the stove and saluted Lu Sihui.

Li Mei sat back on her bed with a dead face, and suddenly pulled the quilt over her head, she couldn't listen, otherwise she wouldn't be able to stay in the room.


Seeing her like this, Lu Sihui became even more suspicious, looked at Huang Yaomei seriously, and ordered her to speak out.

Huang Yaomei hesitated when she saw Li Mei's appearance. They are all big girls, so they are naturally ashamed.

But the squad leader has given orders, if she doesn't say it, she won't follow the gray order.

After thinking about it, she moved closer to Lu Sihui, covered her mouth with her hand and whispered in her ear.

Only she and Lu Sihui could hear this voice, which not only preserved Li Mei's face, but also did not disobey Lu Sihui's order.

Her hot breath made Lu Sihui very uncomfortable.

Pushing her away, glaring at her, and digging her ears with fingers, it felt like a bug had just entered.

"speak politely."

She glared at Huang Yaomei, usually carefree, how could she be sneaky when answering questions?

"Squad leader, don't say it out loud."

Huang Yaomei looked at her with a bitter face.

"Okay, tell me!"

Lu Sihui's thought would make Huang Yaomei jealous, so she should pay attention to it.

"That's it."

Huang Yaomei repeated what Li Mei and Zhou Zixu had said. The other lesbians wanted to hear it very much, so they all pretended to pack their things and listened.

It's a pity that Huang Yaomei's voice is too low, they only hear the word "object", but that's enough.

Looking at each other, is this Li Mei too anxious, is she in love?
Should they seize the opportunity?
"Okay, I see, I'll make the ginger water and share it with everyone."

Lu Sihui glanced at Li Mei after listening, remembering what she begged for herself before.

It must be because she saw that her road was blocked, so she went out in person.

Li Mei thought she would hear Huang Yaomei loudly say that she begged Zhou Zixu to introduce someone, but after listening for a long time, she didn't hear anything.

Only the heart of fear can be put in the stomach.

"Li Mei, get up and drink ginger syrup, don't you come here once a month?"

Huang Yaomei took Li Mei's iron jar and personally delivered it to her bedside.

Who told her to owe it!She felt guilty seeing Li Mei like this.

At this moment, Lu Sihui was standing by the bed, using her palm to melt the ice on the window. She wanted to see if that idiot Zhou Zixu was still standing on the training ground?
(End of this chapter)

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