Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 578 1 will be successfully completed

Chapter 578 It will definitely be completed smoothly
In the early morning of the next day, the wake-up call sounded on time. Last night, the girls drank ginger syrup and slept warmly all night. When they woke up in the morning, they looked like a car with full gas, full of energy.

The old comrades in the class were listless and didn't sleep well at all, especially Ding Li, who was in pain all over her body, her stomach felt like a toss-up, and she was breaking out in a cold sweat.

So she didn't get up this morning, but lay on the couch and pretended to be sick. She didn't want to get sick and get married and have children in the future!
"Ding Li, you've already been punished, and the teacher will punish you severely if you don't show up again."

Her good sister persuaded her in a low voice by her couch, her eyes were full of worry, that leader Sun Xiao seemed to be indifferent, and leader Zhou was not good at talking, and if he thought that Ding Li was pretending to be sick, the punishment would be even heavier.

"You ask for leave for me. I'm really dying. I bleed when I move. They don't believe it. They can ask the hospital to come and check."

Ding Li was lying on the bed with a pale complexion, and her voice was weak.

I didn't have dinner last night, and now my hands and feet are soft, plus there is too much bleeding, sleeping on a hard and cold bed is simply torture.

She doesn't want to move, so she doesn't believe it, and she has to go out to fuck when she is sick?

"Okay! I see that your complexion is really bad. I'll cook for you in a while."

Her standing partner shook his head and sighed, he could only try his best to help her ask for leave, he really couldn't bear to pull such a haggard Ding Li up.

"Hey, anyway, I'm the one who got major demerits, so it's nothing to get two minor demerits."

Ding Li looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, lying on the bed, covering her stomach with her hands tightly.

On the training ground, all the new comrades led by Lu Sihui had assembled, and the old comrades had just come out, buttoning their coats as they walked, and busy putting their hats on straight.

"Look at you, those who don't know think they are old comrades, and you are newcomers to the unit without training!"

Zhou Zixu put his hands behind his back, and sneered at these delicate old comrades.


The old comrades hastily straightened their clothes and saluted Zhou Zixu.

Seeing him, I didn't feel relieved, he was ruthless enough, but he was just a little stronger than Captain Sun.

"Report, Ding Li is seriously ill and can't give a fuck."

Ding Li's friend saluted Zhou Zixu and asked for leave for her.

Zhou Zixu's eyes flashed as he thought of what Ding Li said yesterday, so he nodded in acquiescence without making things difficult.

A pair of dark eyes glanced at Lu Sihui, she was not bad, her face was rosy, and she seemed to be in good spirits.

The ginger syrup had an effect, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and immediately tensed his face.

He knows how attractive he is when he smiles, and he doesn't want other lesbians to go crazy again.

Lu Sihui was still surprised when she saw Zhou Zixu for the first time!Where is Captain Sun?
Wouldn't it be the two of them training them in shifts?

"Practice the formation today to see if your cooperation is tacit understanding. Let me tell you first, if the cooperation is not good, and it is uneven like yesterday, then don't blame me for being rude, and you can only practice lying down."

Zhou Zixu announced with a serious face that the faces of the girls changed when they heard the word lying down. The fall hurts too much, so it's better not to lie down.

"Listen to the password clearly, and don't sneak away."

Zhou Zixu glanced around with cold eyes, and shouted orders with full confidence.


This time the lesbians answered in a uniform manner, unlike yesterday when they were just beginning to be uneven.

"Stand at attention, look to the right."

Zhou Zixu raised his voice and started training from the most basic formation.

The lesbians all listened to the instructions attentively, and started to move as soon as his voice fell.

A smile flashed across Zhou Zixu's eyes. In a day, these lesbians became obedient. It seems that the order of the eldest brother to take effect in three days is very deterrent to them.

(End of this chapter)

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