Chapter 587
She still owes her diet pills!In the past few days at the security office, her appetite has increased, and her weight has also increased accordingly.

Returning to the propaganda team like this is really in danger of being dismissed.

"Squad leader, your arms are not thicker than ours, and you don't usually watch how you practice?"

Wang Haixia looked at Lu Sihui enviously, she was so thin and her waist was thinner than hers, but she was so powerful, it was incredible.

"I grew up in the mountains, so my arm strength is naturally much stronger than yours."

Lu Sihui said something general and stretched.

"I'm tired, let's go to bed early!"

There are sixteen people living in the current lesbian dormitory, and it is difficult for people to walk between the beds. They can only go from the bed at the door, and then walk back to their upper bunk.

This is embarrassing, it doesn't matter usually, getting up in the middle of the night, that's good, you have to travel through mountains and rivers.

If you accidentally step on someone, the one who gets stepped on will definitely cry.

"It's all Ding Li's fault for making us suffer so hard."

Naturally, Lu Sihui is not the only one living in the upper bunk, there are eight people in total!Those who live in the upper bunk will complain about Ding Li.

Her friend didn't say anything, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Mainly because of the actual situation here, it was enough for her to embarrass the lesbians by herself, and she almost set fire to the dormitory.

Now I feel that being a good friend with her is not an honorable thing.

"Okay, those who should wash up go wash up, go to the toilet first, especially the upper bunk."

Lu Sihui interrupted these people's complaints, the matter had already happened, and nothing could be resolved by talking about it.

After a word of instruction, she took off her clothes and placed them neatly beside her pillow, so that it would be convenient when the assembly call woke up tomorrow morning, so she wouldn't be too slow.

There were a lot of people, the air was not circulating, and the smell was much worse than usual. She pulled off the blindfold and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, she was woken up by snoring and teeth grinding.

She has gotten used to Huang Yaomei's snoring, but the newcomer old comrade grinds his teeth while sleeping?There are also loud farts, which is embarrassing.

She usually looks like a gentle girl, who is the difference?

Look at the girls on the left and right who are sleeping soundly and quietly entered the space capsule.

Take out the diet pills, this time they are pills, she must fulfill her promise to Huang Yaomei and give her medicine to lose weight.

In the early morning of the next day, the new comrades all looked sad, and the old comrades were not much better.

The old comrades are not used to Huang Yaomei's snoring, and the new comrades are not used to the old comrades grinding their teeth and farting.

"There are so many people."

Li Mei opened the door of the dormitory early in the morning. She slept under the quilt last night, and when she woke up in the morning, she felt dizzy.

"do not talk."

Wang Haixia pushed her, and her dark circles were no smaller than Li Mei's.

"Hurry up and tidy up the monarch's affairs. There are many beds, so clean them from the inside out. The people inside go out and wait first, so as not to be trampled and wrinkled after the bed sheets are made."

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at her. She was in the middle position. She had just folded the quilt and laid the sheets, but was trampled and wrinkled by the people who came out, so she had this order.

"Yes, do as Squad Leader Lu said."

Lu Sihui didn't expect that the old comrades were willing to cooperate with her, as if she should listen to her, and no one was against her.

Not to mention, this method really saves time. Everyone carries the washbasin to wash up, and after a while the assembly number rings, they have to go out.

"Why hasn't the wake-up call rang?"

Li Mei asked Lu Xiaoyan with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"There is 1 minute left, are you still looking forward to the sound?"

Lu Xiaoyan tidied up quickly and combed her hair in front of the mirror. Although she had to wear a cotton hat, it didn't hinder the girls' love for beauty.

The "tick-tick" wake-up call sounded on time.

The girls ran into the dormitory with washbasins in their hands. Li Mei didn't bother to wipe off the toothpaste foam on the corners of her mouth, so she pretended to be mysterious and asked everyone.

"You said, will Captain Zhou or Captain Sun be leading us today?"

(End of this chapter)

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