Chapter 588

"It must be Captain Zhou. He is so handsome. He can do [-] meters plus [-] push-ups. I admire him so much. Our class leader Lu is also amazing. [-] push-ups are no slower than Director Zhou's."

It was not easy to say these words from the mouths of the old comrades, they had automatically regarded Lu Sihui as the squad leader, and as for Ding Li, they had selectively forgotten her.

The call number rang just as they finished speaking, and the girls panicked immediately, rinsed their mouths and ran to the dormitory in a hurry.

Zhou Zisong put his hands behind his back, his feet shoulder-width apart, standing in such a domineering posture in the wind and snow, those could not block his sharp eyes.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, he calculated according to the gathering time of the gay men, and if the lesbians did not come out in another 50 seconds, they would be punished.

"Director Zhou, I'm so excited! Come and take the lesbians in person, they will faint with happiness when they find out."

Zhou Zixu's black pupils stared at his elder brother like a sword, his mouth was still glib, but his heart began to sweat for Lu Sihui.

Big brother trains station attendants, there is only one word "ruthless."

I will never let you go back to the dormitory until you are exhausted. Those delicate girls can't bear it at all.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zhou Zisong stopped him coldly, which was exactly the tone of a leader to his subordinates.


Zhou Zixu paid the salute, frowning slightly, secretly anxious, seeing that 50 seconds is coming up, Sihui must come on time, otherwise it will not be as simple as five hundred push-ups to welcome her.

Lu Sihui rushed out of the dormitory with the whole team, and the assembly was completed within the specified time. When the girls saw that Director Zhou had come in person, all of them tensed up, and the assembly speed was fast and uniform.

"stand at attention."

Zhou Zisong glanced at his watch, and a dark light flashed in his eyes. Today is the third day, and it is time to test the results of Zhou Zixu's training.

He shouted the password directly, and his sharp eyes swept over every lesbian present.

"Take a break."

Seeing that it was pretty good, not as chaotic as the first day, Zhou Zisong issued a second password.


The sound of stepping on the snow neatly, the girls are still doing well.

"Look right, turn left."

These are the most basic, but Zhou Zisong speaks a little too fast, not giving the girls time to react.

This time it was chaotic, and the rhythm was not on the same beat.

"Captain Zhou, I said to train them to be real stationers within three days. How did you do it?"

The lesbians looked at Zhou Zisong anxiously, waiting for the storm to come, and prepared to be punished. Unexpectedly, Zhou Zisong looked directly at Zhou Zixu for questioning.

Lu Sihui frowned, very dissatisfied that Zhou Zisong made things difficult for Zixu, he was her man.

"Director, you are talking about three days. Today is only the third day. Tomorrow is the time for your exam. Besides, which coach have you seen giving orders so fast?"

Zhou Zixu smiled calmly, there are a hundred reasons waiting for the elder brother!
"I said three days, three days, and today is the deadline."

Zhou Zisong's eyes were cold, and he directly overturned Zhou Zixu's excuse.

"Director, it's not the right time, you should come to check at night."

Zhou Zixu chuckled softly, his laughter was like melting water from a snow mountain hitting a bluestone, clear and sweet, but... Zhou Zisong could hear his brother mocking him from such a pleasant laughter.

Zhou Zisong stared at him coldly. After a long time, he spoke slowly, his voice as cold as ice.

"Okay, I'll give you time. If they haven't reached the standard by night, what do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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