Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 589 Humility benefits, full loss

Chapter 589 Humility benefits, full loss

Lu Sihui clenched her fists tightly and sweated for Zhou Zixu. The basic skills of lesbians are too poor, like real stationers, how can three days be enough?

So many training skills, if they can learn them in three days, they are training wizards, and even gay men can't compare.

"Director, there must always be a standard. In three days, check according to the normal training progress. If you take the 400-meter obstacle course test, it is estimated that none of the sixteen lesbians can meet the standard."

Zhou Zixu was very smart, with his hands behind his back, he didn't listen to his elder brother's aggressive tactics, and calmly asked for his confession.

Zhou Zisong's gaze was deep and difficult to distinguish in the snowy sky, his eyes were dark and looked at people, he really ignored his brother's IQ.

"Okay, standardize the queue, and if you meet the basic movement standards, you are qualified."

My heart seemed to be holding a breath, very uncomfortable, I felt that I was drawn in a circle by my younger brother, forcing him to follow the route he designated.

The lesbians present were all silent, feeling that Zhou Zisong didn't need to do anything, so he looked at them with eyes as cold as winter and snow, like an invisible sword piercing all their nerves.

The lesbians felt depressed when he was around, and Zhou Zisong was born with the aura that he must obey his orders.

Lu Sihui had no fear of Zhou Zisong at all, and looked at him coldly. Although it is not too difficult to standardize the queue and meet the basic movement standards, after all, the cooperation between them lacks tacit understanding. Now it is night, excluding the time for eating , there is not much time available for training.

I sweated for Zixu in my heart.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Zhou Zixu achieved his goal, smiling brightly in the sun, his bright black pupils shone in the sun, like the brightest gemstones illuminating everything, his smile made people feel that these nine cold days were not so cold. cold.

"Well done."

Zhou Zisong gave him a cold look, then strode away with his sleeves shaken.

To be honest, he felt that taking these lesbians was a big trouble, and he thought in his heart that these lesbians could not meet the standards.

Let Zhou Zixu know that big words cannot be said easily, let him know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

It's also to prevent him from inflating himself, so that he won't take the first place in the competition, so that no one will be taken seriously by him.

Modesty benefits, Man suffers losses, he is an older brother, and has an obligation to help his younger brother stay awake.

"Have you heard it all! Do you want to do [-] push-ups in the snow with me, or do you want to run a [-]-meter weight-bearing run with me?"

Zhou Zixu smiled sinisterly, and the lesbians all looked at him in astonishment. Was the man who smiled like sunshine just now their illusion?
How did it become so scary in the blink of an eye?
He was punished and must take them with him?

Ten thousand meters, even thinking about it would kill them.

Five hundred more push-ups, even if they were killed.

"There is only one way not to be punished. Concentrate on it, pay attention to the tacit understanding with your teammates, listen to the password well, and cooperate with your teammates to do actions together. This is the secret."

Zhou Zixu changed his tone when he saw that one sentence scared the girls like frightened elk.

"Stand at attention, take a rest, turn left, walk together"

For a whole day, Zhou Zixu's resonant voice filled the practice field. He was training tirelessly, and the girls gritted their teeth.

Except for Lu Sihui who was afraid that Zixu would be punished, those female comrades were all afraid that they would be punished along with the leader.

Sure enough, his attention was highly concentrated, his spirit was tense, and his hearing was surprisingly good.

"Okay, it's time for the test. It's up to you whether we go back to the cafeteria to eat together, or get punished together."

(End of this chapter)

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