Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 590 Will they be punished?

Chapter 590 Will they be punished?
As the sun was setting, perhaps because he didn't want to hinder Zhou Zixu's training, the heavy snow stopped early.

Wearing a gray overcoat, Zhou Zisong walked steadily towards the training ground. Zhou Zixu saw the figure of his eldest brother, and hurriedly gave orders to the girls to do a good job in front of the station.

"Are you confident?"

He was loud and inspiring.


After a day of training, the girls found a tacit understanding. In order not to be punished and to change the image of the lesbians in the propaganda team, the girls went all out.

"Yes, there is progress."

Zhou Zisong nodded appreciatively when he heard the girls' tidy, loud and imposing voices.

In Jing Rui's eyes, there is admiration for his younger brother, he is regarded as a wizard who leads the training team.

"Director Zhou, my station friends are all ready."

Zhou Zixu saluted Zhou Zisong with a standard salute, and what he said warmed the hearts of the girls. He called them his station friends, not those literary fans, which was his respect for them.

Their eyes seemed to be lit up by Zhou Zixu's words. The lesbians all raised their heads fiercely, looked at Zhou Zisong with firm eyes, and spoke in unison.

"Please lead the inspection."

"Ahem, I'm not a leader, call me Director."

Zhou Zisong coughed twice in embarrassment, and ordered the lesbians to change their words.

"Yes, Leader Zhou."

No one stopped, and the girls once again proved the importance of tacit understanding.

"Start, stand at attention"

Zhou Zisong gave orders directly with a cold face. After a series of training subjects, turn left, turn right, turn into two rows, and walk in unison.
After a series of training subjects, the lesbians did not pass the test. There was a slight flaw, and the ground was too slippery. One of the lesbians fell to the ground because he couldn't stand upright.

It was also because of Zhou Zisong's fast speaking of orders, the girl was so anxious that she fell down.

When this person fell down, everyone's spirits were highly tense, and they looked at Zhou Zisong anxiously, for fear that he would judge them as unqualified with a single word.

"Director Zhou, I'm sorry, there is a piece of ice under my feet, which affects everyone. If you want to punish me, punish me!"

The one who fell was none other than Huang Yaomei, a newcomer. She saluted Zhou Zisong with an awe-inspiring look.

Instead of evading responsibility, I took my mistakes on myself and didn't let others suffer on my behalf.

"It's not a mistake."

Zhou Zisong gave her a cold look, without consolation, but he didn't blame her either.

Huang Yaomei's behavior made him feel that this lesbian is good, has no selfishness, and admits mistakes.

Naturally, he would not blame this kind of good friend.

"Huang Yaomei returns to the team."

Zhou Zixu gave Huang Yaomei an order, and he stared at his elder brother with some dissatisfaction, why didn't he speak at a normal speed?

"Director Zhou, are we qualified or not?"

Zhou Zixu walked up to Zhou Zisong, stood with his back to the lesbians, saluted Zhou Zisong with a standard salute, and asked provocatively.

I'm suffocating!I feel like my elder brother is just making things difficult for me. Fortunately, he didn't let him see a joke, and now he wants a word from him.


Zhou Zisong's thin lips moved, and two cold monosyllables spit out from his mouth. He turned around and strode away, not looking at anyone present.


"Oh, I'm exhausted."

"Captain Zhou, you are awesome."

The excited and exhausted voices of the girls came from behind, Zhou Zisong stopped in his tracks, the smiles on the girls' faces froze instantly, they looked at Zhou Zisong's back in fear, they forgot, the leader hadn't said to disband yet, they didn't Can talk, will the leader punish them?

(End of this chapter)

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