Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 591 The Sweetest Punishment

Chapter 591 The Sweetest Punishment

"Line up and go eat."

Zhou Zixu was naturally startled, but he responded calmly and ordered the lesbians to line up.

I don't believe that the elder brother has the heart to punish the girls when he hears that the girls are going to eat?

After all, they are not friends of the Jagged Brigade. They are only here for training for a short time and will leave soon. The strict factory rules should not be imposed on them.

The girls lined up in a hurry, their hearts beating wildly, they were too frightened to look at Zhou Zisong, for fear that he would not let him go.

It's a pity that he was afraid of something, Zhou Zisong turned around and walked back, every sound of stepping on the snow was as terrifying to the girls as a wake-up call.

"I didn't hear Captain Zhou say disband just now, who told you to talk?"

Zhou Zisong questioned the girls sharply, scaring the girls so much that they dared not raise their heads.

"Zhou Zixu, how did you lead the team? You didn't even tell them the most basic discipline of not being able to move without the captain's order?"

Seeing that they were silent, Zhou Zisong turned to his younger brother to attack him.

"Report, I just issued an order to disband, but the voice is relatively small, you didn't hear it."

Zhou Zixu opened his eyes and talked nonsense, shut this up first, and deal with these girls later.

"Zhou Zixu lied to the leader and fined him a 5000-meter weight-run. You have no discipline, and you are fined a [-]-meter weight-run."

Zhou Zisong sneered, and unceremoniously issued a punishment order.

Zhou Zixu smiled evilly, swayed to his elder brother, and saluted him.

"Yes, Director Zhou."

He found out all of this, and he was punished for his mistake. It just so happened that today he hasn't relaxed his tendons and revitalized his blood. As for the girls, who made them fall short!Violation of factory discipline shall be punished.

Otherwise, he also decided to punish them tomorrow after passing the big brother test.


Zhou Zisong turned around coldly, leaving him with a cold back. This was the fault of his younger brother's soft heart. He wanted him to understand that the commander who protects the weak sometimes hurts his subordinates.

Factory discipline is serious, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Girls, let's go together!"

Watching Zhou Zisong leave, Zhou Zixu's gaze was as cold as ice in the twelfth lunar month. Although his words were not harsh and meant to be a bit of a joke, he could be heard to be angry in his tone.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu with distress. Yesterday was [-] meters, and today is another [-] meters.

This is not the most important thing. He is a big leader, and if he is punished every day, will his status in the hearts of Zhan friends be affected?

"It's all our fault. The captain and sisters who were killed will be punished accordingly."

Huang Yaomei felt uncomfortable, as if she was the first to shout, and she was the one who fell down, which hurt everyone.

"We also shouted, don't blame you, just punish it! You should learn the lesson."

The strange thing is that those old comrades who used to dislike the new comrades are surprisingly reasonable today, and none of them complained about Huang Yaomei.

"Okay, let's be punished together, it's time to exercise."

Lu Sihui looked around, and finally met Zhou Zixu's eyes. She said this to him.

"Don't be dazed, finish the punishment early, and eat early."

Zhou Zixu smiled, his voice was clear, and he went to get the leggings first, he was [-] meters away!
The girls are united, and they don't feel too tired when they run.

Zhou Zixu has been running not far in front of them, he hopes to get closer to Sihui.

Lu Sihui didn't care what other people thought, so she quickened her pace and ran side by side with Zhou Zixu.

Zhou Zixu's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Lu Sihui with a smile. Is this the sweetest punishment?

With Sihui by his side, even if he is asked to run another [-] meters, he doesn't care.

Zhou Zisong looked at the two of them from a distance. In the dark night, he couldn't see their expressions clearly, but he could feel the sweetness between them.

His hands were clenched slowly behind his back, his brows were furrowed, he seemed to have done something wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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