Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 592 I share weal and woe with you

Chapter 592 I share weal and woe with you

The younger brother was already obsessed with Lu Sihui, so he asked Lu Sihui to come to the Jagged Squad. Zhou Zixu is also a temperamental person, and he doesn't like to suppress his feelings, which will cause bad influence among the stationmates.

It takes time to run 5000 meters, and the [-] meters are finally over, but Lu Sihui didn't lie on the ground panting like other girls, and hurriedly took off her leggings, but continued to run with Zhou Zixu.

"Sihui, be good, go to eat, don't accompany me to be punished, my heart aches."

Zhou Zixu frowned and advised him, today's heart is sweet, 1 meters is enough for a lesbian, does Sihui still want to run 5000 meters with him?
"No, I want to stay with you."

Just like Zhou Zixu did to her last night, Lu Sihui insisted on running [-] meters with him.

He can pay for her, how could she stand by and let him be punished alone?

Sweat ran down his cheeks, and the wind was the hardest near night, almost reaching freezing temperatures.

(The author Jun heard a joke from his grandma when he was a child. At that time, there were no tall buildings in the Northeast, and Xue Ke could reach her knees. She peed in three or nine days. After half of the urine, she froze into ice. The child stuck his tongue to the iron gate for fun. It was frozen on the handle, and I couldn't even pull it off. I had to pour hot water on it, which made me shudder.)
Lu Sihui raised her hand to wipe her sweat nonchalantly, but she still persisted.

The leader was punished, and the squad leader continued to follow. The rest of the lesbians didn't know what to do. Should they continue to run?

They couldn't run anymore, and their legs trembled when they walked.

Why don't you run along and just stand here stupidly?

I ran just now, and my clothes were soaked in sweat. Now when the north wind blows, my head hurts.

Cotton coats can't stop the cold wind, everyone's upper and lower teeth are chattering from the cold, their hands are tightly hugging their shoulders, their feet seem to be numb from the cold, so they have to stomp their feet back and forth vigorously. pitiful.

"You line up to eat."

Zhou Zixu gave the order, Sihui wanted to be with her, and there were only two of them on the training ground, it was quite romantic to think about it.


After hearing this, the lesbians lined up anxiously, as if they had received an amnesty, wanting to quickly drink a cup of hot water and eat two more steamed buns to keep out the cold.

"Squad leader, you can also have dinner with us!"

Li Mei yelled at Lu Sihui with concern, she wanted Zhou Zixu to see how good her relationship with Lu Sihui was.

"No, as the squad leader, I made a mistake in disciplining, and I was punished voluntarily. You guys go to eat!"

Lu Sihui's voice was indifferent, without any mood swings because of her concern, she directly ordered them to leave.

Soon, the figures of the girls disappeared, and there was only the sound of the two of them running on the training ground.

"Sihui, go and rest for a while before you run."

Seeing that the lesbians had left, Zhou Zixu began to care about Lu Sihui.

"No, I want to be like you."

"Be obedient, I am a man, you are a woman, and their physical structures are different. I order you to stop running and go eat."

Zhou Zixu had no choice but to harden his heart and give the order. He knew Lu Sihui's stubbornness best.

The two have been together for the past few months, and when they have disputes, they usually accommodate her.

"No, Zixu, you were punished with me last night, and tonight I share weal and woe with you."

Lu Sihui's eyes were bright, and the moonlight cast a cool light on her beautiful face.

Zhou Zixu was full of pride, with pride in his voice.

"Well, I, Zhou Zixu, am so lucky to have such a good wife as you."

"Who is your wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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