Chapter 601 Reborn

"My mother said that fat women are blessed, and they will have a better life when they marry into the family."

Captain Sun, however, had settled on one, scratching the back of his head and answering in embarrassment, secretly looking at Zhou Zixu's expression, hoping that he could help him.

"Okay! It's up to me."

Zhou Zixu agreed with a smile, and taking advantage of Captain Sun's excitement, he gave him another resounding blow in the past in a serious manner.

"Captain, it hurts, I'm made of meat."

Captain Sun bared his teeth after being knocked, and protested to Zhou Zixu.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Sihui took the girls to pack up their luggage, because they were going back to the propaganda team today, Captain Zhou had ordered them not to do morning exercises.

"Oh, I have to go, I don't want to part with it."

"Yes, it's really exciting to practice!"

After a night of sleep, the girls recovered well. They were so tired that they crawled into bed last night. At that time, they wanted to leave immediately.

I have to leave now, I can't bear it.

Lu Sihui glanced around, she wanted to make sure not to leave anything to criticize.

Seeing that everything was neat and orderly, she picked up the tied quilt and the backpack containing the clothes, and said something to the girls.

"Let's go! Go back to the propaganda team and we can continue training."

"Yes, we are still practicing together."

After hearing Lu Sihui's words, old comrades and new comrades were excited and smiled again.

After leaving the iron-blooded brigade, you can't see the iron-blooded men, but they can turn themselves into a strong standing guard.

"Is everything packed?"

The door opened, and Zhou Zixu appeared at the door with a smile on his face.

Seeing his bright smile, the girls had a hard time connecting him with the cold and stern Captain Zhou when they were training them.

"Report, pack it up."

Seeing that it was Zhou Zixu who was coming, Lu Sihui went to salute and replied.

Zhou Zixu looked at her with deep eyes, clenched his big hands behind his back, reluctant to let her go, what should I do?
Such affectionate gaze aroused the envy of other lesbians, and they looked at the monitor with a smile.

Want to see if the beautiful squad leader can pass the hero test?

"I have made you suffer here. Breakfast is prepared in the cafeteria, and dumplings are made for you separately. Don't say that our security team is ruthless when you go back."

Zhou Zixu glanced around, he came to condolences on behalf of the leader.

These lesbians have been scolded and cried many times, and it is estimated that they have scolded him a lot in their hearts.

"It's not hard, thank you Captain for your concern."

The lesbians saluted in unison, and answered neatly as if someone had taught them in advance.

"It's not that you have gained nothing in defending the brigade. Unity is strength. Come and sing."

Zhou Zixu immediately beat the beat and sang to each other. The girls in the publicity team refused to accept anyone, and directly opened their voices, singing very powerfully.

"This strength is iron, and this strength is steel"

The neat singing attracted the attention of the trainees who were doing morning exercises. When you wake up in the morning, you can hear such a beautiful singing, and you will be in a good mood throughout the day.

In the cafeteria, the lesbians all got a plate of dumplings stuffed with cabbage and pork. Although there was less meat and more vegetables, they all ate deliciously.

"We ate their meals for half a month, shouldn't we give them a salute?"

Huang Yaomei ate up half a plate of dumplings, suddenly remembered something important, and asked Lu Sihui directly for instructions.


Lu Sihui thought about it, felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and nodded in agreement.

"All of them, stand up."

She stood up and gave the order, and the friends in the cooking class looked at the sixteen girls curiously. They were completely transformed from the delicate and capable girls in half a month.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lu Sihui took the lead, and the girls saluted the stationmates of the cooking class together. Zhou Zisong, who had just walked into the cafeteria, saw this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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