Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 602 I'm afraid I won't be able to keep her

Chapter 602 I'm afraid I won't be able to keep her

A dark light flashed across his eyes, and he clasped his hands behind his back. Last night, No. [-] and No. [-] came back. It turned out that after covering their retreat in City X, they were surrounded by the other party's people.

The two tried their best to get out of the encirclement, but No. [-] was seriously injured. So many people died on the pier and around the hotel.

There are ordinary clothes on the pier, and there are people in the hospital, not only the law enforcement officers, but also the opponent's people ambushing.

So the two of them could only hide in the deep mountains, wait for their injuries to heal, and then return with make-up. The way back was full of twists and turns, and they were almost caught before boarding the boat.

When they came back, Lu Sihui's suspicion was also removed. She played an important role in this operation.

He wanted to transfer her to the special operations team, but thinking of his brother, he felt that it was troublesome.

Feeling his gaze, Lu Sihui raised her eyes and glanced at him faintly. Ever since he punished Zixu twice in a row, she was a little annoyed by him, and she didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

Zhou Zisong felt the coldness in her eyes, and even her eyes were unwilling to linger on his face.

How much does this bother her?Don't you know that if the sky will send a great mission to the people, you must first suffer from it?
He did it on purpose yesterday, to arouse Lu Sihui's anger, to see how much potential she still has to tap.

As for the lesbians, he felt that they had made great progress, and that yesterday's training would benefit them for a lifetime.

After eating, the girls climbed into the liberation truck that was prepared for them.

It was very difficult to get in the car when we came, and someone had to pull and drag to climb up.

When they went back, the girls were all as light as swallows, and they got into the car easily, still a little proud in their hearts.

"Goodbye, Squad Leader Lu."

In front of all his friends, including his eldest brother who was standing behind him like an iceberg and venting his air-conditioning, Zhou Zixu directly reached out to shake hands with Lu Sihui.


Lu Sihui looked at his big hand with well-defined joints. His palm was very fleshy, and it felt warm when he held it, as if she had found support.

So she likes to shake hands with Zhou Zixu very much, and walk hand in hand when she has nothing to do, even in the coldest three or nine days, she will not feel cold.

The two held each other's hands tightly, and then reluctantly separated, everything was kept silent, cherished, loved, and deeply affectionate.
Lu Sihui took a deep breath, turned around and stopped looking at Zhou Zixu, and got on the liberation car.

Zhou Zixu watched until the car was invisible, and then reluctantly looked away.

It felt like there was an empty space somewhere in my heart.

"My God, does this driver know how to drive?"

The girls in the Jiefang car complained together. They didn't feel so bumpy when they came here. Why did the road conditions change when they went back?

The car seemed to have drunk too much, bouncing back and forth, and those who were not motion sick were stunned, lying on the back and vomiting.

"The road conditions are bad, bear with it!"

Lu Sihui said something to the girls, Zhou Zixu was the one who drove the car when they came to the Jagged Brigade, and he drove steadily, so the lesbians didn't get carsick.

Today, the driver didn't know how to be sympathetic, and the speed was too fast, which made the girls suffer.

After finally returning to work, he was full of energy and heroic before getting in the car, but when he got off the car, he was dizzy and his face was pale.

"Motion sickness?"

Deputy Captain Jiang greeted her, and she still needed to hand over the work with the security team.

Seeing the faces of the girls, she smiled and cared about them.

This is not the first group of lesbians to come back, almost every class has motion sickness.

"Vice Captain Jiang."

Lu Sihui saluted her. Unlike other lesbians, she was still full of energy and ruddy.


Deputy Captain Jiang nodded with a smile, and felt that Lu Sihui was more imposing than when she left. This small propaganda team might not be able to keep her.

(End of this chapter)

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