Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 604 Negative Teaching Materials

Chapter 604 Negative Teaching Materials
"No, you have a reputation as a dandy, of course you don't care, Sihui is a good girl, I don't want outsiders to criticize her."

Grandpa Zhou taught his grandson sternly, Zhou Zixu twitched his lips, and made a fuss for a long time. Grandpa is not a feudalist, but protects Sihui.

Afraid that he, a playboy, would change his mind one day and hurt Sihui.

"Grandpa, I seem to be your grandson?"

Zhou Zixu raised his head and leaned back on the sofa to look at his grandfather, speaking in a very unconvinced manner.

"It's because you are my grandson that I have to be strict with you. In short, you can't learn from your elder brother."

What Mr. Zhou said was so timely, Zhou Zi let go of the door and entered the room just in time to hear it.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and laughed at him. Grandpa regarded his elder brother as a negative example, begging for the dark area in his heart.

"Grandpa, what can you learn from me?"

Zhou Zisong's face was still cold, he changed his shoes at the entrance, and asked his grandfather in a cold voice.

Zhou Zixu narrowed his eyes, why did the eldest brother talk to anyone without warmth?

How could this kind of ice trick Dongsheng's mother into giving birth to him a son, but she couldn't enter her husband's house.

"You know it yourself."

Mr. Zhou glared at him in dissatisfaction, such a big official, do you know who you are talking to?
He didn't feel that what he said was wrong, and he looked at Dongsheng very confidently.

The meaning of this is already very clear. If you have children before you get married, this is a big mistake.

Zhou Zisong frowned and threw away the key without further questioning. Seeing that he was silent, Mr. Zhou opened the door and went into the study to call his daughter.


Dong Sheng flew towards Zhou Zisong like a happy bird, hugged his father's thigh, looked up at him and smiled flatteringly.

"Are you obedient at home?"

Looking at his son, Zhou Zisong's eyes turned warm for a moment, he scooped up his son with his big hand, and hugged him into his arms, it was easy to hold him with one arm.

Bumped with his arms, the little guy got fat again.

"Brother Zhou."

Lu Jianguo was very afraid of Zhou Zisong, so he timidly stood up and greeted him.

Zhou Zisong glanced at him lightly, he didn't like his cowardice, he didn't bother to talk to people he didn't like, and walked upstairs with Dongsheng in his arms.

"Jianguo is sitting next to my brother-in-law. Have you finished your homework? I'll teach you what questions you don't understand."

Seeing that Lu Jianguo was so frightened by Zhou Zisong that he didn't dare to say anything, he greeted his elder brother and ignored him. Zhou Zixu protected the calf, and Sihui's younger brother was his younger brother.

He patted the sofa beside him and called out to Lu Jianguo to come and sit down.

Zhou Zisong carried his son up the stairs, and stopped when he heard his brother's words, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his brother became more and more shameless.

"Zixu pay attention to the influence."

He turned around to teach Zhou Zixu a lesson, and in return he gave a chuckle, which contained contempt.

And Zhou Zixu stared at Dongsheng just like his grandfather.

The meaning is very clear, you are not married and brought a child back, I just let Jianguo call me brother-in-law.

He made a false name for himself, but his eldest brother did real things, and took home all his unmarried sons.

Zhou Zisong's anger flashed in his eyes, and he suppressed it, and went upstairs silently with his son in his arms.

There are some things that cannot be said even if they are rotten in the stomach.

"Huh, brother-in-law, your eldest brother is really scary. I think he has a cautious personality."

Lu Jianguo wiped off his cold sweat and sat next to Zhou Zixu, whispering something in his ear.

"It's a good description, but you don't have to be afraid of him."

Zhou Zixu watched his eldest brother disappear at the stairs, sneered, looked away at Lu Jianguo, and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

The door of the study opened, and old man Zhou came out from inside. Zhou Zixu stood up quickly and looked at his grandfather excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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