Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 605 He really grew up

Chapter 605 He really grew up
"Grandpa, what does my aunt say?"

Can't wait to ask grandpa, hoping to get good news.

"Your aunt said no, this year's sympathy performances are relatively heavy, and all lesbian holidays are cancelled."

Mr. Zhou shook his head regretfully, he couldn't see that girl anymore.

He even pointed at her to come back to play chess with him!

Full of hope but in vain, Zhou Zixu wilted like a deflated ball.

Throwing himself back on the sofa, he stretched his long legs and put them on the coffee table again.


When Master Zhou saw his grandson's lovesickness, he was amused and deliberately teased him.

"But what?"

When Zhou Zixu heard his grandfather's words, he jumped up as if a spring was attached to his feet, and looked at his grandfather excitedly. Could it be that he lied to him just now?

"However, your aunt loves you so much that she sent Sihui to the security brigade to give a condolence performance. On the night of the New Year's Eve, can you still stay at home with grandpa?"

The old man's eyes were tangled, he originally wanted that girl Sihui to come back and accompany him with his grandson, but now it's good, the grandson may stay in the unit.


Zhou Zixu looked at his grandfather with complicated eyes. He already had white hair on his head. Doctor Tang said that his illness was terminally ill and his time was numbered.

"I stay at home with grandpa."

After a brief psychological struggle, he made a choice.

He Sihui has a long life ahead, but his grandfather doesn't have many days to come, and he can spend many years with him, so he doesn't want to regret it.

"Good grandson."

Master Zhou's throat rolled. Although he didn't feel out of breath recently, he didn't believe that his illness was really cured, maybe it was just a flashback.

I naturally hope that my relatives can accompany him more. If possible, it is best for the family to stay together for the New Year's Eve dinner.

The eye circles were a little red, and he turned his face away not to let Zixu see it.

Zhou Zixu stood up and walked to Grandpa, pursing his lips tightly, suppressing the discomfort in his heart, he helped his arm to the front of the sofa.

He chose to pretend that he didn't see Grandpa's sadness, and put on the chess with a smile.

"Jianguo, go make tea for grandpa, and I will accompany him to kill three games."

His smile was contagious, and the sadness in the old man's eyes was swept away, and he laughed too.

"Let's talk about it first, the red chess is mine."

He chose the red chess as usual, but Zhou Zixu wanted to compete with him.

"Grandpa, you are good at chess, let me go first!"

"No, I'm old, so let me go first."

"Okay, you go first, I will go later, okay? Old kid."

Zhou Zixu smiled, this was to make grandpa happy, seeing the sadness in his eyes disappear, the boulder in his heart was removed.

Spend more time with the elderly!He is so lonely.

The two were so engrossed in playing chess that they didn't even notice when Zhou Zisong came out of Dongsheng's room.

Zhou Zisong was in a bad mood. Every time he came back, Dongsheng asked him for a mother. Where would he find a mother for him?
"Father, my uncle is going to marry Aunt Sihui, why can't you find a wife?"

His son's words echoed in his ears, his younger brother was about to get married, he really grew up.

Standing on the second floor, watching grandpa and Zixu play chess, the two of them were laughing and joking, blushing because they were fighting over a chess piece.

But every time Zixu just pretended to fight, and finally gave in to his grandfather.

Because he succeeded, the old man smiled very complacently, the smile in his eyes was real, which he could not give to the old man.

"Brother, are you leaving?"

Feeling a staring gaze, Zhou Zixu raised his head and grinned at him.

The disrespect for him just now seemed to be non-existent, Zhou Zisong looked cold and walked downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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