Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 614 It's her own fault

Chapter 614 It's her own fault
"You doubt me? Yes, that time you insisted that I was a bad person, and then your sister framed me several times in the propaganda team. I'm not only annoying you, I'm annoying all your family members except your parents."

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, she wasn't so angry if he didn't mention that he doubted her, so it's fine to treat him as the driver sent by Zhou Zisong.

Anyway, the family building is not far away, so there is no need to get angry.

But when Zhao Jinchen asked himself, he couldn't suppress his anger.

Lu Sihui's words were a bit hurtful, Zhao Jinchen's face turned red with anger, why didn't this woman save any face?
"Yuying is innocent. She didn't mean it. It was Fang Fang who used her."

At this time, Zhao Jinchen is still facing his sister, he still doesn't like people saying bad things about Yuying.

Originally, she had a bright future, but she was dismissed because Lu Sihui said she stole her paintings.

As a result, she can only find a temporary job in the city, and it is nowhere in sight to become a regular worker.

He didn't blame Lu Sihui for causing Yuying to leave the work unit, but she annoyed their family instead.

"Hey, are you really stupid? Fang Fang is using her? You think too much, it is your precious sister who used Fang Fang to steal my painting and burn it, which already proves that her character is not good, and you are still here to defend her. ?”

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, her eyes full of sarcasm, after all, it was a family, probably Zhao Yuying killed someone with a knife, as long as she said she didn't kill him, Zhao Jinchen would believe it.

"You're talking nonsense, you lost that painting yourself, join forces with people in your class who have a bad relationship with Yuying, and frame her together."

Zhao Jinchen was furious. According to Lu Sihui, such an innocent younger sister turned into a scheming thief.

"Ha, it's the tradition of your old Zhao family to fight back, right? Why should I frame her? Are you free?"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Jinchen with sarcasm, with such a stupid head, Zhou Zisong still left him in the special operations team?

"Because I suspected you and took you to work, you took revenge on Yuying."

Zhao Jinchen glared at Lu Sihui, there was some conflict coming at him, hurting his sister, and she was still trying to argue here.

"Hey, I want to get revenge and attack you directly. I won't find anyone else. She has to blame for what happened to her today. She deserves it because she is cheap."

Lu Sihui sneered, she, Lu Sihui, was not a villain like Zhao Yuying, Zhao Jinchen was blindly defending his sister.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Jinchen's face flushed with anger, panting heavily, looking at her as if she was about to kill someone, obviously suppressing her anger.

"Also, don't mess with me again, I really hate your family."

She didn't care if he was angry or not, she added in a cold voice, and stopped looking at her, but looked out the window.

"So what if I mess with you?"

Zhao Jinchen couldn't bear it anymore, parked the car on the side of the road, and stared at Lu Sihui with fire-breathing eyes.

"Of course I won't be polite."

Lu Sihui looked at him contemptuously, wanting to do something?Will she be afraid?

Being looked at by her so contemptuously, Zhao Jinchen couldn't bear it anymore, and opened the car door directly.

"I wonder why you're being rude?"

"I don't have time to talk to you, I want to go home and pay New Year's greetings to grandpa."

Lu Sihui opened the door and got out of the car, and walked forward without looking back. Old Zhao's family members are all insane, and talking to him wasted time, and she still wants to give her grandpa New Year's greetings!

"You stop."

Zhao Jinchen chased after her, reaching out to grab Lu Sihui's shoulder.

Lu Sihui was most annoyed by people making moves behind her back, so she grabbed Zhao Jinchen's wrist and performed a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw.

(End of this chapter)

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