Chapter 615
Zhao Jinchen was unprepared, and she succeeded in her attack. Fortunately, after years of training, he has a strong ability to deal with the enemy, and he turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

As soon as she landed, Lu Sihui's fist came with the sound of the wind, and she struck mercilessly, even with killing intent.

Zhao Jinchen originally wanted to make it clear to her, but he didn't want to do anything at all, but at this moment he had to cheer up.

The two fought in the snow, and Zhao Jinchen obviously felt very strenuous, and he became even more skeptical that Lu Sihui seemed to be stronger than himself.

Moreover, many of her movements are not the kind of orderly and fixed moves, but are filled with fierce killing moves.

"stop fighting."

Zhao Jinchen retreated steadily, he couldn't kill her, but Lu Sihui was not polite at all, so he had to stop.

"Don't you want to know how to be rude? Like now."

Lu Sihui kicked Zhao Jinchen sideways on the stomach, sending him flying two meters away, walked over to look down at him, and spoke arrogantly.

Heavy snow fell from the sky, as if afraid of her arrogance, it fell beside her.

Zhao Jinchen sat up clutching his stomach, feeling as if his intestines had been kicked, he gritted his teeth and insisted on standing up, looking at Lu Sihui with cold eyes.

Her arrogance was very similar to Zixu's, which brought back to his head the rationality that had been burned by his anger.

"Do you really hate my family that much?"

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was a sense of powerlessness in his voice.

"Wrong, I don't hate you, I just want to stay away from your family, especially you and your sister, it's so annoying."

Lu Sihui shook her head with a sneer, feeling that Zhao Jinchen was very funny, and really wanted to say that their brother and sister are like toads falling on their feet, and they don't bite anyone.

After Lu Sihui finished speaking, she didn't look at Zhao Jinchen's expression, and walked towards the family building stepping on the snow. Anyway, it was not far away, and she could see the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind.

There is also the guard comrade standing at the gate, standing straight like a statue.

The irritability and disgust in the face of Zhao Jinchen was diluted by the joy of seeing Zhou Zixu soon.

Standing in the snow, Zhao Jinchen watched Lu Sihui walk into the family building, feeling that there was a mountain between him and her, and he would never even think about climbing over it in his life.

"happy New Year."

Lu Sihui saluted the guard, thinking about delivering a plate of dumplings to him later, it was too cold and hard work.

"Happy New Year."

Comrade doorman recognized Lu Sihui and smiled back.

Zhou Zixu came out of the courtyard with a lunch box wrapped in a towel in his hand. Like Sihui, he thought that it was Chinese New Year, and he would deliver a plate of dumplings to the guard comrade.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the gate, he heard Lu Sihui's voice. He thought he heard it wrong!


Unexpectedly, it was her, so she yelled in surprise, Lu Sihui suddenly turned her head when she heard his voice, and when she saw clearly that it was Zhou Zixu, a bright smile appeared on her face

"Zixu, happy Chinese New Year."

"Sihui, Happy Chinese New Year."

Zhou Zixu replied with a smile, and raised his hand to wipe off the hoarfrost on her hair. Looking from Zhao Jinchen's position, it was Zhou Zixu brushing Lu Sihui's face. Everything ceased to exist, only the two of them remained.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart, like envy and jealousy, he didn't like this feeling very much.

Now that Lu Sihui was safe, there was no need for him to stay, he got in the car and started the engine to leave.

"Here are the dumplings, thanks for your hard work."

Zhou Zixu saluted the guard, and handed the lunch box full of dumplings to the guard.

"Thank you."

Comrade door guard moved to take it, and saluted and thanked Zhou Zixu.

"Sihui, let's go home. Grandpa must be happy to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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